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I finally got everything I should need to get her running again. Gonna try out the SS style brakes, maybe one red fiber and one SS. Also picked up some more Mugen springs and copper sealant to hopefully seal the front bearing as well as the rest of the engine. Wish me luck fellas!
I don't know about the tractor again, I can assure you I got some big air planned and will get it on film this time! Gonna try Jason's better steering trick while I'm rebuilding it too.
holy hell Parker.. I thought It was just gonna be the engine mounts till I scrolled down some more, I did that to my fuel line the first time I ran the truck.. :) That last picture makes me wince

hope you get her fixed up soon..
Yeah, a runaway into a brick wall or something.. That truck is all boogered up, but I bet with all them hopups, he couldn't afford a failsafe.. maybe It would cramp It's style.
That was a awesome truck it looks like a real truck ran it over. Thats what you call bad luck.
Took the savy out today.

hit a snow bank at top speed, flipped over and landed down on the head.

I have been running it without a roll bar or body for some time. This is

the perfect example of why that's not a wise move.

parts broke:

1. fuel tank
2. shock bolt
3. engine mount
4. carb
5. damage spur
6. head smashed


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nice bashing spot your really lucky! nice damage too.
Well guys, finally got around to getting her going again only to be shut down. The block Savageman 46 sent is not going to work. The carb hole is too big and the sleeve will not fit the block. Couldn't make it work if I wanted to. Thanks anyway Joey! Tell me what block that was in case it may be of use to anyone else. If anyone out there has a F4.6 block laying around let me know.
Well, it happened a couple of weeks ago but I finally got around to uploading the pics and putting it here.

I took my savage for a bash down at the park, had a great bash sesh...until I was about to head home and was testing the speed up and down the street.
All of a sudden the brakes didn't work at all, all I could do was steer while it was going full throttle down the road :stressed: I quickly thought the best thing to do was to hit something, to make it stop, otherwise - onto the main road it goes.
I finally managed to get it to hit a pole, I reckon it was around 80kmh (About 50mph). Surprisingly it didn't do much damage. Just a busted shocks and 2 bent front dog bones.
The way it happened was that one of the screws that hold the brake pads and discs in came out, the the end of the throttle rod got caught on the opening on the radio box @ full throttle.

Well anyway, here's some pics:




For WOT into a pole you got LUCKY, that damage could have been a lot worse.
ye very lucky to stop this happening again if you dig two big pits ether end of your road and then it your savage runs off again it will only fall in to one of the two pits along with all the other cars that pass down your road. lol
hope this helps lol
I'm sure if I was running the stocker, they would have bent like a *****.
I got really lucky this time, I always to a check over on the car every 5 minutes of running now.
Got some more damage again to the fusion. Nothing really major though.






And I only had run 2 tanks on these new rims and rubber. Now I need some more new ones. And again, only hittin 2nd gear, haven't hit third yet.
How much does that thing weigh? With a .28 that thing must be insane.

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