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yea i have a video of a guy wit a savvy he waz racing went ova a jump lost da battery box car went full throttle into a guys leg and shattered da whole leg i think ur pretty lucky

I want to see that. Where is the video?
xtremsavage is that just from normal driving? How fast is that thing?

Yeah, just from normal driving, although I think it has a little to do with the road surface I was on. Not as smooth as most of the other surfaces I've ran on. And that's mainly what the tires are used on. Speed, in stock form from the box, about 70mph. But the guy I bought it from did the big block upgrade. Went from a .21 up to a .28, so not sure of speed now. also, haven't seen it run in third gear yet either and almost afraid to.
Well I had my Losi xxx-t out today and decided I wanted to jump it some. I started out slow then started hitting it WOT and it went well until I swapped out my gearing to a higher top end gear for it, the last 2 times I went about 20 feet in the air and about 40-50 feet out, biggest jump is has done ever! When it landed it broke a screw off that holds the tie rod on the hub, broke the yoke off the driveshaft, and probably going to need a new diff......



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you broke a yoke off of a crankshaft?

knarly carnage..

but you got any pics of this yoke and the crankshaft?
i thought crank shafts were in nitro engine/gas engines.
this part was connected to the rods and pistons and such..
lol......I didn't mean crankshaft, meant driveshaft
U mean edit time of 8:53:stickpoke: LMAO
now back on topic!
we need pics bad
OK I posted pics.....

the first and 2nd pic you can tell that the ball of the driveshaft is still attached but the shaft and yoke isn't.....

also in the pics if you look closely you can see the screw that holds the tie rod on..
i was driving in my front yard and theres a drop off to the sidewalk about 3 feet.
the battery died and it drove off which i would think would be fine for a savvy. however it landed and just took off i ran as fast as i could and caught it before it hit a car. so i charge up the battery and the servos turn on but nothing happens hen i use the radio. so i pluged in the receiver from the rc18 and it works. i would happily use it on my truck but it only has 2 channels and i need 3 so gota buy a new one
what to do ? i was rippin it up and i went down over a embankment and into a salt water river .. the car was upside down and not running when i got there in about 6 to 8 inches of water :pannedout: ive sinse got the engine running but the servos are acting not to well do you think my chances of them drying out are good or bad has anyone almost submerged there rigs before or am i the only idiot please help me what should i do this happend at about 1 today so its only been a little while
I've had my kids dunk their trucks before and the servos seem to dry out after a few days. glitchy at first, but eventually, they work ok
If you can take them apart and dry them with a hair dryer that would be your best bet for success.
thanks boys I'm so bummed, it was going so well and turned bad so quick.
now is replacing servos a bear ?theres just the steering and throttle is there a mother board in there
yea pop apart ur servos and let them air dry for like a week to make them gluitch free stop trying to turn them on

also id suggest tearingd downt he whole truck and wiping all metal parts down in some form of oil to stop the salt water from rusting everything on you
The best thing to do with any electronics when they get wet is to remove the battery and let them dry real good. How many people have dropped their cellphones in water and rush to turn them on to see if they still work? Better off removing the battery and waiting because turning it on will definetly ruin it. Like crzy said, you better do some corrosion prevention as well. I would definetly clean your bearings.
beauty the motors fine ran the tank dry and oiled it ,no response from iether servos so not good but last summer i dropped my nextel in the lake off the dock on a warm fuzzy saterday night and didnt find it till 20 hours later dryd it a week and I'm still using it today so theres hope! thx i don't even run my
nitro cattamarranin salt water that why I'm ticked, gotta hate the corrosion
Salt water is much worse than fresh water, If I were you I would take everything apart, especially the electronics and wash them in fresh water, the rx should be removed from the plastic case and washed in fresh water too. anything you wash should be dried well, air dry is ok but I would use use a hair drier.

I know it sounds crazy to wash electronics in water but it is fine as long as POWER IS REMOVED.Many manufactures of electronic PCB's usu water soluble flux then use water to clean the flux off. I worked for a small company that assembled their own boards, they used a dish washer to clean them.

You need to get the salt out of everything.
sounds like ur crystal might of got damaged, bring ur receiver and transmitter in with soem servos and battery and see if ur hobby shop has some spare crystals laying around. crystals don't like high impact and usually die off after a pretty big impact

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