k5.9 bearing question

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Humboldt, CA
OK guys this is the first time I have completely taken the mill apart. I'm looking at the rear bearing and the balls are exposed and they move around inside the race. Is that normal or is the bearing shot? It still seems to spin smoothly. The front bearing seems like it's in good shape still. To me the piston and sleave still look good and in the one pic you can see where the OWB rubbed on the connecting rod when the pin sheared off. You guys know where I can get just the bearings for this mill? HPI just sells them with the new block it looks like. What do you guys think? Maybe new bearings and seal it up and see if I can't get it going again? The pics are not good but do you guys see anything there that's bad?











Gosh those pics look horrible LOL, not much else I can do though. The motor ran after I fixed the OWB but had a fuel leak around the carb. It wouldn't idle reliably, it would idle high sometimes and low others and it would not spool up quickly either. Tuning the needles didn't seem to get any results. I'm thinking it may have just been an air leak issue but I wanted to reinspect to make sure there were no metal shavings in the bearings and such. What do you guys think?
I see a few issues editing pics to show you. and yes that bearing is junk

Ok that was a failure ...

I can see possible blow-by on the piston. But sure of 3 bad spots. Never seen a sleeve with carbon build up on it to signs of more blow by to me but IDK this is a first... the cage in the baring let go 4 sure but that is a known. The crank has damage on its end that will prematurely blow bell bearings. Con Rod looks junk too me to but that can be a illusion. I vote don't fix it ... Not worth it ..
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I just went through trying to find bearings for a 5.9 before the world finals. A buddy had 2 5.9's have rear bearing failures. The retainer came apart....just like yours. I took the engine and put a new Boca ceramic hybrid bearing in the rear and used it in my dads puller at the WF's. You need a 14x25x6 mm bearing. I fixed this one because everything looked good. In my opinion your engine is questionable. It may be ok, but maybe not.
Thanks guys, I'm gonna see if I can't get my hands on a cheap rear bearing and seal this thing up good. If it doesn't work I'm not really out anything. I'll have to start saving for a new motor I guess, just sucks cause it may be a while. Any tips on getting the rear bearing out?
Any tips on getting the rear bearing out?

Mike heat up your oven to 220 F, put the crank housing in for about 5 minutes, and then push the bearings out with a woodendowel/ chop stick, if that doesn't work bump your oven to 230 and heat up, and try pushing it out thereafter.
here is a video on how to do it from boca bearings
Thanks guys, I'm gonna see if I can't get my hands on a cheap rear bearing and seal this thing up good. If it doesn't work I'm not really out anything. I'll have to start saving for a new motor I guess, just sucks cause it may be a while. Any tips on getting the rear bearing out?

I preheated my oven to 350. Put the block in for 15-20 min. Take it out, tapped it on a wooden block and the bearing falls right out.

To replace it. do the same with the block. Put the bearing in the fridge or freezer for 15-20 min on the crank and slide it back in and let it cool and you will be ready to reassemble.

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