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Well bud I installed the 0 rings and no breakage .. I will be posting vid of my bash session later on ..ohh and some damage

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eeeh screw the head .. My nova mout is going on .. That wont happen w/ the nova
Try and find some FLM 123mm dog bones. I have FLM centres and I was looking at them yesterday and they were in perfect condition (compared to the HPI ones which were buggered after just break in). I have the 123mm ones on the way and I am assuming they should be just as good.

I read about those some where else too, I just haven't had a chance to look at them yet. I'm also wondering if FLM can make a custom length dogbone for me. I'll look into that also.
if traxxas wont warranty it, i have a motor you can use for the trade in. let me know if ya need it.

I doubt traxxas will cover a broken motor being run over by a savage under their warranty. I'll let you know about the motor.

MTBikerTim Quote:
Originally Posted by SDMorris
Broken motor < Car in gutter drain

The number of times I have had to retrieve cars and parts from down drains, I'm getting pretty good at it.

That is a really unlucky hit. Was he running without a body?

Yes he was.

XXX Ouch, could of been worse though. Could of totally destroyed his Traxxas, luckily you barely hit it. Well luckily for his part, I figure if you were WOT might not of been enough of his 4Tec for pictures.

I was WOT in top of 2nd gear. Only cuz I'm still working all my shift points out.
Does anyone know where I can get a replacement ariel from my reciever?

Can't seem to find any on ebay or my LHS!

Thanks in advance.
zxirax if you want i just replaced a reciver on my brother new x i will mail you the old one take the aerail off that, its up to you if you want pm me your addess ill send it hope it helps....
Could someone tell me how long the antenna cable needs to be in mm?

I have been told that if it is more than 1/2 inch longer than the standard cable it could cause interferance.. not sure if this is ture?

Thanks guys, and thanks for the offer Mike.. I will take you up on that =)

Just in the process of buying some 24AWG wire to replace the antenna cable. Looks like maplin online do 30m for a good price.. so you all know where to come if you need some wire now.. 30m should make a fair few antenna cables!!
Great job with the son. Sorry he crashed so bad. I have a 9yo son too. I took him to a big field to drive the Savage. He has been drivin rc cars since age 2.5 to 3. But they have been electric. My friend, my son , and I went to the park this weekend to drive the trucks. My son drove more than I did. But being divorced I don't have him everyday. So Dad aka me. Will get plenty of crashin and bashin time. Good luck on the rebuild. :Crazy:
This weekend, I rounded a screw (I used too much threadlock) so I had to use my impact screwdriver.. I eventually got it out =)

I noticed a crack in the side of my fuel tank (no idea how it happened, there is nothing to cause a crack in that area, it's behind the shocks.. baffles me.

Removed my front shocks, one extended to about 20mm, one to about 30mm and the two others had no oil in them at all! The oil seems to be leaking where the shock arm goes inside the shock, I have checked for tightness and even the o rings, they appeard to be fine, but they still leak really bad! The back is fine.. not sure what is going on!

oh, and I didn't actually take my savy out.. it's in a few pieces on the table =) but there is always tomorrow!!
Where exactly is your tank cracked? if it is the side facing the rear of the truck, I have heard of the screw that holds the shocks on hitting the tank, just turn the screw around so the nut side is not facing the tank.

I don't know what is going on to make your shocks leak that badly, I would take them all the way apaRT there should be a couple of o-rings where the shock shaft comes out of the body, maybe they are missing or cut or something. Look in the manual and make sure all of the parts are there and that the parts are in the right place.
I don't actually have a camera charged up to take a picture right now, but as soon as I do I will post one. I have looked at it with the tank in place and there is nothing at all that could come into contact with it.

Problem number 2, the shocks.. I emptied what oil was left in the shocks and blew through the top of the shock to see where I was loosing pressure. One of them leaks a small ammount from the joint that was originally attached to the plastic flat pack. Another, is just insane.. it is pissing out oil now it is coming from the seam (running the length of the shock). I guess that I have just been unlucky and got a bad batch or something.

I will try to contact HPI about this tomorrow.. I mean I don't really mind, I am having loads of fun, but it could be part of a bad batch of shocks.. wierd thing is that all four rear shocks are perfect.

I really want to go out and play with it today, but I know I shouldn't with buggered shoucks =( ..ohh and it's such a nice day!!
Ok, so I was naughty and I took my savvy out.. I couldn't resist!! The new ariel wire I soldered on works great, I just have it wrapped around the middle of the roll cage at the moment.

Used about 3/4 of a tank over fields and dirt track, hit a pot hole at around 30mph which flipped the car.. it rolled about 15 times on the wheels and landed upsidedown tangled in barbed wire in a hedge.. I pulled it out and bah, I broke the rear hub which connects to the left rear linkage. I can't really complain, it was one hell of a crash.. and it looks like such a weak point of failure anyway.

I might invest in some alu hubs to repace the plastic ones, hopefully they will be able to take a little more bashing =)

I am yet to have one day without something breaking!!
Hey everyone, I've recently built a Savage SS (it was lots of fun to build by the way). Its pretty much stock right now, but I was wondering what spare parts you guys would recommend having around for any inevitable "mishaps". I really hate waiting for parts to be shipped and would like to have a few of the key parts around (i.e. dog bones, spur gear, etc)

Welcome to the forum bud, have a look around. Lots of useful info and tons of people here to help out, all very friendly!!

I would keep an extra spur gear or two, motor plate, dog bones, hinge pins, body clips, fuel line, and maybe an a arm or hub carriers.

Hope this helps
Welcome to the forum bud, have a look around. Lots of useful info and tons of people here to help out, all very friendly!!

I would keep an extra spur gear or two, motor plate, dog bones, hinge pins, body clips, fuel line, and maybe an a arm or hub carriers.

Hope this helps

what he said..............

welcome to the forum

really what you'll need is one more truck in case you have to wait for parts

search ebay for the best deals on RC parts
Freak and I planned on havin some fun. Came to a crashing halt for him lol. And a grinding halt for me. I stripped two spurs gears today. First was all my fault. Second was a rough landing. He hit a Train lol. More on that later from him.
This is after we put em back on ther truck. Mines the red 4.1 his is blue 4.6. Wounded twins lol.
Anybody have the directions ? lmao Hope they are both up and runnin tomorrow.
lol, that dammage looks pretty damn bad.. but something deep down makes you keep wanting it to happen again and again!! haha, gotta love them!

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