Need Tec Advice

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I have a Savage 25 that will fire up but as soon as you give it gas it shuts off. Any advice. I wrecked it 3 years ago and replaced front dogbone. It sat for a couple of years due to lack of funds. Any help would help thanks
It will fire up and run. And sit and idle. But when I give it gas it just shuts off instantly. I did get it to move about 10 feet but it had hardly any power. Just wandering if it is in transmission or clutch. I'm a novice at this sorry. Lol. I need help
I would retune it. Reset both your high and low needles by completely screwing them in, then back them off to stock settings. I believe the stock settings are around 1.5 turns out for the LSN and 4 turns out for the HSN. Also check the idle needle, you want to set it just higher than where it wants to kill at.
Thanks I will do that. Thanks for the help man I appreciate it.
Make sure you let it warm up before tuning it. I did not understand how important it was until these members made a point of it. Really helped me nail down a drivable tune instead of getting angry at the truck for being sluggish.
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Make sure you let it warm up before tuning it.

Very good point. If you attempt to do any tuning before it is at operating temperature you will just end up chasing your tail, as far as the tuning goes.
Thanks for all the advice. What is a good warm temperature to start tuning. I have a laser thermometer. Hopefully I will be tuning it later this afternoon. I will keep you posted
get the engine to at least 200 degrees b4 starting to tune on the needles, start with idle and then hi needle, after is running good then start the low needle... the low end usually needs just slight tweaks to make it idle and have enuff snap off the line.....
ya thats good fuel, I been usin sidewinder basher blend awhile now and I love it...... tunes easy and has plenty of oil in it to keep the engine cool and lubed well. plus no afterun oil needed either.....
don't forget that the outside air temperature affects your tune. cold air is more dense with oxygen and thus requires more fuel to maintain the proper air/fuel ratio. and vice versa. when its warm out, you will use less fuel. I was having a problem where it was so cold i had to use so much fuel that the engine never got up to operating temps. you can use a heat gun to pre warm the cooling head and make the warm up a little faster. i also wrapped the cooling head with aluminum foil to keep it hot.
It's about 50 degrees today in Indy. I have a heat gun so I'll try that.
I couldn't tell u what's wrong. I use rotostart. Maybe a worn spring or if you're lucky, might just be binding somewhere. Don't know if you're handy but nows a good time to take it apart and learn. Keep calm and remember how it came apart.
Yeah I've had it apart. I got it from a guy 5 years ago who owed me money for some body work I did to his car. It was running but I thrashed it. Batteries went dead in remote and it took off and hit the only free standing tree in this field. It sat for a while. I'm just tired of it being a mantle piece. Lol. I might luck out though. My boss has one that just needs a brake kit. He's gonna sell me it
One of the tabs where the pull start mounts is broke and won't hold a screw. And one is stripped so. Id say it needs a block. But like I said I'm a novice.
is the engine backplate plastic or alloy ? if is alloy you can rethread it to the next size up. I would get a rotostart for it , I use them on all my rigs and would never use a pull start again.....some pics of what ya got will be useful also that way we can help ya figger it all out.....
I host mine at Photobucket, then click the direct link and post it here
Upon further review after I got pull start off. Which is now junk. As you all probably knew lol. It is an alloy plate. I'll get some photos up as soon as I can.
Well I've been running my truck all week for little bit after work. I get home tonite and it's acting like it's not getting any gas. It will start if I put a little in carb but shuts off as soon as it burns all that. Any ideas ?
did ya check the fuel lines for a clog. sometimes after sitting a bit the oil congeals inside and makes a clog....
if not that maybe is the glow plug or some other issue like that....
It Looks a lil gunky in bottom of gas tank. I'm gonna pull the tank and rinse it with some warm water and let it sit. Can't see any gas running through the lines. I can take line off exhaust and b low in it and some gas will start to fill the hose but man you'd pass out before it gets to fuel filter. Hopefully it works.
You can do that But I prefer to use denatured alcohol to clean my tanks with fill it about half full and shake the crap out of it..... dump it out and blow backward thru a piece of hose to make sure the outlet tube is clear and clean...if you use water to clean it make sure to rinse it out with some fuel afterwards, ya do not want ANY water to remain when ya fill it up again, as far as the lines , pull em off and insert the tube from a carb cleaner can inside and spray them out, then clean the filter out and blow thru the hose with filter attached , it should take just a lil puff of air to verify they are clean and flowing..... hope this helps ya get it goin again.......

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