Directdrive Your Ride

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DS; Thank you again for your wise and founded viewpoints. they won't be forgotten. Any word on the helmet cam?

POLY: As you know, You are taking the things again, way out of context.
I never asked you the edit your post...truthfully. I stand for your right to say and express your thoughts and views anyway you preffer.
What I did say Poly, is this.
I requested that if you would please remove, or resubmit your post that was located in between the initial intro thread entry of this thread.

By this, I meant to an alternate position in this very same thread. Not to edit it, just move it clear. Then you could resubmit the same post content by clicking a reply tab.
FX, gzus11, and Savagecre responded to this same request instantly and very respectfully I might add.
You, on the other hand, felt it more important to keep telling me durring my request to you, that I should just re-edit my thread so you, and everybody else could read it better.
Four consecutive times, 45-75 mins apart from each other. And yet, you still hadn't followed up on my request, what so ever.

I, was again, not telling you to edit your post. It is no secret that my formating skills needed some attention, Poly.
But who are you, to impose on me, that I comply to your prefferences in regards to the appearance of this thread???.......
You were already told by my myself that I appretieated your consern but my request was not about that, at the time, was it?

Thats when I got abit conserned that I may be dealling with a child on the other end of the PM's we had...I spent all mornning well into the afternoon going back and fourth over what I thought to be BS deversions, Poly.
If I got abit angry, from the frustration at that point, that's because I felt you were playing me like a fiddle. Then at the last minute, you say "you can't remove your own post because you don't have modderator privaledges".....

Why couldn't you have said that, much, much, earlier in the first PM?.... Eventhough, I knew that was hard to believe. I even sent you the instructions of a point to point procedure to do this request that would have
allowed for you to re-insert your post as it was , unedited. and still, no cooporation.

Poly, I was not happy with myself speaking down to you towards the end of our PM's. I should have backed off before it got to that point. and for that I'll offer you a retraction of intent on your behalf. Yes, I vented abit.
It helpped me deal with feeling like an ***, thinking that you were considerate enough to simply move you post out of the initial thread entry.

I just would like to think that you could walk in my shoes for a momment, and see the oppositon I've felt from you at the start.

I recall, some remarks that were made to me, that I'm also willing to forget. Are we on the same page here?
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Clearly this mod isn't for everyone (myself included) but for those of you who do want to try this out the descriptions and pictures are laid out well and understandable. Doob thanks for taking the time to do this I'm sure it wil help the fellas who want to go direct drive
wow, this thread has a life of its own, doobee youve presented us with an alternative to the dreaded safety devise we like to call a spur, and I for one (not all of course) appreciate your insight, thanks
Thank You very much FX.
Durring all this effort to address every question, DS has reminded me of the very real option that was also mention in the intro.

You can use both setups at anytime you choose. If your slipper is beginning to go out for what ever reason, you'll have the option to swap out the bad parts for a solid and locked drivetrain, spur.
This, instead of being caught without backup parts. This was half of the reason I wanted this mod.

I still have my standard slipper asembly in my tools and parts bag so I'm not left needing the original setup. I've just noticed that I haven't had to change spurs ever since the mods instalation.

Now,... I've been thinking of drilling some angled venting holes that take's advanage of the direction of rotation, helping cool the teeth of the spur gear more effectively. Well who know's, just an idea.
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Right on, crash...
Now, we can make some custom brake pads with all the slipper pads we got extra's of. Sound fesable anyone?

There's this product called "Dam-it". It dries like solid plastic. It's black and in a tube about the same size of a permatex tube. I think it would hold the cut-outs of slipper pads to refurb the brake disks. What do ya think?
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See this is what I call trial and err. Trying to come up with somthing cool that hits the manufacture in the pocket just like they hit lets keep up the great Ideas. The possibilities are endless.................:patriotism:
if you have understood the symptoms and remedied them all by the means you have stated, tightening the slipper will be just as good as this adaptation.

Changing a spur will take the same amount of time with or without this mod, as you will still have remove the nut, spring, washer and engine to get the gear out and new one back in.

As poly stated it is far more common for the spur teeth to strip than the pad melt. There are many causes for the teeth to strip, what you have mentioned and loose mountings, bent input shaft or bodies lodged between the gears, where the only cause for the melted pad is the slipper being too loose, slipping and generating heat.

Even for the experienced among us spurs will strip due to the unknown or just unlucky, so they need to be changed on occasion (ive been lucky so far spur holding up against cracked engine plate and loose CB) with this mod you will need to drill all of your new spare spurs exactly the same as the original.
..Hem..gzus11,..Did you take the time to read post #8 in this thread?.....
yes i did, and i don't agree with your analysis of melting the slipper pad and hub. you are correct in stating a loose slipper generates excessive heat and melts the hub.

but i feel you are incorrct about CB heat melting the slipper hub. correct heat travels to cold but not through an insulator in this case the plastic spur. so problems with overheating CB soften the teeth on the spur and evebtually melt them off.
I will say this. I like the post. I like the thought that goes into the post. I like the constructive criticism of it. I can do without the minor personal attacks from both sides. Will I try it? I don't know, when I drive I'm doing stupid stuff like back flips and landing while I'm WOT. I just don't care. So having the slipper might be good for me. I will also say keep this in mind. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid. The more you over think something the more you complicate the problem. If the guy in front of you has a weapon you shoot him you don't think about how you are going to shoot him. Or you will get shot. It's that simple. But if you have an idea try it. If it works, good if it doesn't go back to the drawing board. It wight work for one person and not another. Or if it is very radical then the stigma that goes with the mod or product might keep you from opening your mind to the idea of it working. Just my 2 cents. anyone got change?
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Thanks for the input, Mega.
Keeping it simple is the foundation of this personal mod shared to all.
It's certainly not original. Bashers and racers alike have been aware and seasoned to deal with directdrive applications. The over-analitical climate to disect it to it very core is in no way keeping it simple, as you can see.

Again,...The whole idea of using a solid spur gear is under fire here, simply because someone chooses to use it.

All of the debating in the world will not change the fact that no matter how unrealisitic the drive spur seems to be to others who outwardly reject it, my spur gear has been going, and going,
and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and still going.

No worn pads, no melted hubs, no loose nut or over compressed spring, and definately, no broken tranny...........Sounds pretty simple to me, buds.....

It's real difficult to see the logic in saying, "WELL,.... I guess you guys might have a point....I'll just rip out this little spur deally bob, and go back the way it's supposed to be cuz,..... I MUST be nuts to think, if it works, I should leave it alone."

===========================THIS, WAS PUBLIC SERVICE ANOUNCEMENT no.1========================
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Thanks for the idea and the very clear instructions! I remember having all sorts of slipper issues untill I got it right. I certainly will consider this mod for the future, if those problems come back. I recall racing back in the old days of 1980s and slipper clutches were rare. Its more of a newbie failsafe in my opinion.
Hello, mikeh.
Your input here is another example of why this thread needed to be preserved from some of it's initial responses it had recieved.

I want to thank you for your shared views and comments on the subject.

I also would like to say, "Your input is very well recieved in it's purpose".

=== It provides another validation for this mod's desired application and warrant's a reasonable amount of acceptance, newbee or not."===

Thanks again Mikeh.
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TO whom, it may consern, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Megabyteme.(JOHN) This, in regards, to taking the time to arrange the introduction of this threads content.

John placed the conent it into a much more presentable state, compared to the way I had originally left it.

Without his assiststance,
this thread would have had a difficult time getting the attention it has recieved up to now and most likely, in the future.

For that ....I say, Thank you, John.
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Wow... I had a little scare yesterday with my truck. It did the spilts on me in the middle of a parking lot.

As I was getting clearance for my approach from Air Traffic Control, I angled my desent from a high speed, 10 foot ramp jump....
It happened just as everything was going great, of course. As I viewed the carnage, I hadn't yet noticed the condition of the tranny's input shaft.
Just some bent TVP'S, sprung screws, with no breakage.

After spending most of yesterday putting it all back in bashable order, I had desided to do a completely rebuild her.
I found that the input shaft was not working like normal. DOEUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. It appeared that there was some tranny carnage to contend with.

I ignored the tranny for the durration of the rebuild until it came down to the tranny being the last part to complete. I thought for a moment that I
might have to rethink my Dirrectdrive, spur abit more. The tranny seemed to work after further inspection but the input shaft was able to slide in and
out about a 1/2 in' or so. I just hoped the E-clip popped off the shaft, inside the tranny.

I cracked open the the tranny casing, and sure enough, that was the problem. It was easy to reinstall back on the shaft.

YEAAAaa.... Original tranny is still alive....

If I had busted it, I probably still use the dirrectdrive spurs just because of the care free opperation they've provided, up to now. Although it wouldn't
have been cheap to fix.

But that didn't happen now, did it....Directdrive spurs will remain in my bash bag, until further notice....

====================================== THIS WAS PUBLIC ANOUNCEMENT NO.3 ============================================

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another testament to that mod. I'm ready to try it, figuires I haven't had any spur issues lately.
great post doob
Thankx crash.
Every now and then, I look over this post to make corrections here and there. Mostly

But in doing so, I keep thinking of refinements to the drivespur that make it more and more appealling to the basic nature of it all.

For instance, If I'm really willing to go this far on my approach, and never look back on the slipper again for the longhaul, it would serve me well to go ahead and take a dremel and
cutoff wheel to the end of the input shaft's length and reduce it to only allow for the hex washer and nut, only.

By doing this, It would create more access space and would allow for removing and installing the spur without the fuss of pulling the motor, and all that goes with that process. Cool?.....

As long as I never break the tranny,...IT's TOTALLY COOL!

But as you already know, I can break the tranny at any time, anyway..... So what's the diff, Biff?

=================== Where's MY DREMEL? =======================
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On the other hand,...After taking a closer look, there's not enough room to work with. Needs longer TVP's.
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Yeah your threads on the end of the shaft don't allow you to loose the spring. the threads don't go all the way in to the spur gear.....
I had to read it twice as well....Doob this would work way better than crankin down the spur nut...fully understand the purpose and will be tryin this out today!!!nice to c everyones idea's no matter how trivial they may be some work some just don't...this works for me does Banks steering mod....awsome job love this site don't ever change a thing.....all FAMILIES just makes a family
wow it sounds like alot of people are having problems with their spur gear??
i have had the same one on my .28 for two and a half gallons now! how offen are you guys going throu them? i see no need to change the spur gear set up (myslef) but if you are one who is eating the spur gear like a cookie monster i say give it a try, just watch your landings as the thread states..LMAO
I had to read it twice as well....Doob this would work way better than crankin down the spur nut...fully understand the purpose and will be tryin this out today!!!nice to c everyones idea's no matter how trivial they may be some work some just don't...this works for me does Banks steering mod....awsome job love this site don't ever change a thing.....all FAMILIES just makes a family

Thankx Puckamahow....
Glad to see that this thread still captures the interrest of some.
I think the main cure this mod helps with is the worn-out spring that allows
slipping to occure, causing heat which inturn, melts the spur.

I think I did another thread on making a "locked nut" setup on the input shaft.
This helpped a great deal with a worn nut and spring unthreading itself durring opperation.

If I melt a spur because of a loose spring, then to me, that's unnessessary down time.

Good to hear from ya Pucka and good luck with giv'in it a try.
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