Battery boxes

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So now that a lot of you have converted and there are a lot of flux owners out there, I want to ask what's the best battery boxes?

There are the HPI ones, Kershaw has 2 designs, Speed Passion has some and a couple of others.

So what's holding up to the big jumps and bashing?

Thanks.. the answers here will help me on my convert.

well i like the stock trays myself. Ive never ran any other ones but the stock have taken a beating and never had a LiPo fall out or a tray break. knock on wood. i just flipped them side to side and used Velcro to make sure there shut. also dremeled a little material away for the wires to come out.
That's good to hear. I have some of those on the way. Figured I'd start there.

Thanks 88

Stock ones work great, after some dremeling to them


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Good to know Freeze, and thanks for the pics.

i also used the stock 1.. hold up nicely..but its just difficult to put the power wire in the hole provided (i never dremel or drill anyway).. and you will want to use the Velcro.. :)
Several have mentioned the wire holes. I'll have dremel in hand when they arrive. Thanks guys!

I use the stockers, but my mods are a little more extensive than most...
and, yes, that is a chunk of wood. I tried using hard bumper foam, and the batts moved too much on bad landings. I use zip-ties to hold everything shut, I get the big bulk packs at the hardware store.
The foam on the wood piece, and on the side of the battery itself is truck cap/camper bed sealing tape, you can get a big roll of it at any auto-parts store for a couple bucks, and it's wickedly tough.



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I notice most (if not all) of you flip the battery box inside out. May i know what is the advantage? I feel its not convenient. No???
Ah ok......thanks man. Maybe i should do that as my packs are slightly wider.

I run a 3s 6500 Hyperion GX3 (paired with a 2s 6500, I find 5s to be the sweet spot) and it barely fits width-wise with a slight squeeze out...If I turned my boxes around, I could never fit this pack as I couldn't expand the compartment easily...and yes, good velcro is needed to hold lid down.
No worrries mate, and yeah you'll need some good velcro strap.VVV

I run a 3s 6500 Hyperion GX3 (paired with a 2s 6500, I find 5s to be the sweet spot) and it barely fits width-wise with a slight squeeze out...If I turned my boxes around, I could never fit this pack as I couldn't expand the compartment easily...and yes, good velcro is needed to hold lid down.

KK how do you like 3s+2s? I was going to try it but wasn't sure how the different cells would discharge used together. Is it all good as long as packs are same brand, mah & C?
5S Is definitely the sweet spot as far as I'm concerned. Yes, same brand, mah & C and I use "Sync Mode" charging so the ESC see's the 5 cells as one battery. (I think this is how it works)

Not sure if you can run 5S without using a "Sync Charge" capable charger?
Can you post a pic with the battery in the box?

I don't think you'd need a sync charger if the batteries have the same specs and the same number of cycles on them.
anyone know of a place to get good velcro straps for the battery box, i had my LiPo's fly out a couple of times today?

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