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    RB "Mods"

    These pictures were posted in the thread about Lunar Wolf getting baneed. It shows the crank work on a RB "Mods" engine. There is obviously no work on the crank because there is no evidence of the silver part of the crank that the work had been done to (as the crank is black). The only...
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    Baddest far!!!

    Well since I have been sponsored by Anodesigns custom anodizing I might as well show the pictures of my Savage. No drooling allowed. It is for sale to by the way just give me 2000 dollars I'm good...LOL, wouldn't that be funny. Okay here you guys go: EDIT: Yes those are...
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    Project: Bulletproof Basher

    Well I started out with a Savage X kit I got this year in June. It was good and all but I knew I would fall into the money pit called the Savage. So I slowly started upgrading her, and well here is my project story. First major thing I got for my Savage was an STS 28, I have heard good and...