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So I linked my friend to an auction for the dual disc fiberglass break kit.. but one without the 19mm hex :S

So I copied mine, check it out:


Yep, went back to work friday night and made one up. Its made of stainless steel.. so it might wear a bit faster, however its a closer fit to the pads, so I think that will help, also it'll never rust!

It's got me excited about making up some custom stuff for the savvy, we'll see what happens!
thats pretty good man i must say. impresive its an exact replica haha.
might have to get in touch with u to makes so parts for me :D
I have to admit its not tooo difficult with the right tools, just very time consuming.

I might be able to help some people out, but I don't have the time to be machining 100's of parts if it gets popular :p

Maybe if its something useful that more than one person could use, I can make a few - its easier to make say 10 at a time than to get sparatic requests for the same part here and there. I'd have to charge for material and shipping, but I wouldn't charge for my time, though donations would be welcome, lol.
Looks like a good job Distrait. Like you said though, the only downside is that it's stainless steel and will wear much more rapidly than the hardened black part.

:10: for effort though :resp:
nice work distrait. i wouldnt worry about wear if i were you cuz id just make another when it does were out 2 years from now :resp:
Thanks for all the compliments!

I'm a "machine tool builder and integrator" by trade. Finished the course about a year ago. We take the exact same classes in first year that a general machinist would. I also run a crappy CNC machine at work; it doesn't run on mastercam but it has its own programming software. Its pretty basic, but it gets the job done. Some parts (like the break hub) are just not practical to make with it so I just made it conventionally on a lathe and a mill.
i'm a cert. welder and have taken a class like you have i bored out my lawnmower engine and i ended up turning it in to a racer better than a go-kart lol

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