what nitro fuel do you recommend?

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Well-Known Member
gold bar
what kind of fuel do u guys recommend to run and what nitro percent
Benny hey hows it goin bro I have had 20% then 30% then back to 20% now I'm running a 50 50 mix of 20 and 30% but generally if MY LHS has it in stock ill get 25% Odonnelsmy motors have loved odonnles I tried blue thunder but I cant tell you why but somthing just didnt work right with that fuel for me. temps were hotter glow plugs dieing all the time so mow with the motors I'm running now its Odonnels all the way IMO. your nitro percentage can change just have to re-tune.
Right now I'm running Jac's Racing Fuel 20% nitro/12% oil in my STS D28M. I'm thinking about switching over to Byron fuels and going to 30% nitro. I haven't decided on what I'm gonna do yet, but, I might just stick with the Jac's Racing fuel and move upto the 30% nitro. I used to use the Blue Thunder fuel but it's nothing compared to Jac's fuel. The Jac's seemed to burn cleaner compared to the blue thunder. Just my insight on fuel usage.
I use monster horsepower 20% real good stuff. I may start using 30%.
I am using Byrons 30%, been using it for a few years with very good luck and performance.
savagecre its going good and ive had the same problem with blue thunder so I'm switing to odonnels and i have to re tune anyway to ill try 25% but with a higher nitro content does the engine run hotter or cooler and does the preformance improve
I have been running that VP powermaster as well. Was the cheapest stuff my LHS had, 20% nitro 9% lube. I was worried the lube is a little low but it's smokin' and seems OK so far.
Yup 20/9 VP Powermaster here too and had the same concerns buy LHS said good stuff and mine runs great. I've read good things about Byron's but think I'll stick with what I got.
I have heard of torco before, But Sidewinder runs so good and cool and easy to tune I have been satisfied with it for a few years now.....
Whoops Yes torco..... Stupid phone auto correct!
I get my sidewinder 20% basher blend from the hobby shop. I buy it in quarts for $9.00 each
30% is higher nitro content, so yes, it is better, but most people here run 20-25%. 30% isn't really needed unless u are doing some serious racing. 30% is also much more expensive
30% runs hotter, accelerates engine wear and is favored mainly by racers or those looking for more speed and do not mind the tuning issues and engine wear associated with the higher nitro content.... personally I run 20% nitro content 16% oil content and find it is the best all around fuel for bashing..... and the best thing is Sidewinder needs no after run oil to gum up parts while it is sitting during down times.....
Thanx for the help guys I am only 3 months into the sport (and around 2g's) all the folks my age think I am going through 2nd child hood.
Guess what I am. Am so so there :) havin fun doin it tho
Hell I been in my second childhood since my 30's and i just turned 60 so enjoy havin fun.....

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