Video of my longjump

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Way to stick the landing nice one.
Thanks windjammr......

I was at the other end of the track by the drivers stand and I couldn't see it once it landed, I thought I landed on the roof then when I heard someone yell that I landed it and they threw the truck on the track and I nailed the throttle back to me, great to see it still ran and how nice the landing was once I got to watch it.

Can't wait to jump it again sometime!!
man i didn't want to be a jerk or anything lol, yeah that's more like it. She can take a beating right!!
That was a great jump!:resp: Put a ramp and Grave Digger in front of me and I would do it too. lol
yea nice jump , i have to say most of the trucks still running after that jump where savages, way to go parker i have still pics of your jump too.I think zud got my jump.
Sweet thanks chris!!!

Sticconi its cool, I knew as soon as you posted that something wasn't right!!!

Its all good bud!!

I agree almost every truck that jumped was a savage that kept going after the jump.....even the guys that landed on the roof with a savage kept going......

Thanks for the comments guys
man I'm going to have to make it to one of those events somehow even though i live in canada lol i love monster trucks and as a kid dennis anderson was my idol lmao as I'm sure alot here would admit to as well so I'm gonna make it one way or the other!!!! and great landing parker!!!!!
Is that the correct video, only all three links are exactley the same ? Still not to worry, it was still a great jump, and I got to watch it three times. :hardlaugh:
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Parker-your jump was pretty sweet with sticking the landing. I wish I could have jumped it again! i didn't hit the ramp square and for some reason my truck died in the air! argh!!!! I am going to have to build a huge ramp at home and jump some 1:1 vehicles! I got a few jumps on video and hopefully will have a video of several events at the WF on youtube in the next few weeks.
yeah, you jumped it nice, and got 26'! haha, i think all the revo's and tmaxx's were in the pits going "i bet i could do it, but i don't have $200..."

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