Rollcage update

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After months, she's still alive!

If some of you remember, I made a cage in the early spring that I was kind of apprehensive about.

But, after a long while of beating on it. Its still good. I would like to make a lighter one, but we'll see how motivated I get.



After the four fantastic rides on my nice rpm mag rims before the one shattered, I decided some ugly SOLID rims were in order.

After buying yellow I regretted it lol, hense why I painted the cage yellow. Just to get some flow going. But, totaly should have done black.

At least my truck is very visible.
Thanks guys.

Chances are I might make another one. So, if I do. This will be for sale. That is if I get motivated to make another lol
very nice job on the cage...looks alot like the the 1:1 well does the body fit?are limited to certian bodys now?
eh... Bodies are a no go. This is my truck, no body, just cage lol

I don't really care for the bodies too much. Seeing this thing fly around, reminds me of a little baja truck.
When I first got my savage, learning to jump and ****. I destroyed the body basically instantly. Kind of turned me off of spending 40-60 on a painted body when I was just going to wreck it.

No movies, I bought my girlfriend a little kodak digi camera which takes beautiful bike videos. Haven't seen whether or not it keeps up with the rc yet.

So, soon maybe. I need a new motor bad though. Mine only screams in the high rpms now. There is no torque anymore. Its got about 8 gallons or so through it, my first nitro... lots of screw ups along the way. I would say it has done alright.

But, its time for a new one.

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