Mud Anyone :D (Pictures)

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Look whos back!
Well, took the savage out for its fist HARD bash yesterday... here are some pictures after grass, snow, mud, and dirt.







I must say I am pretty impressed with the savage. Its starting to really come out of its cadge, faster and faster with every tank :jamout:. I had a couple REAL hard wacks, including smacking some inch thick PVC that was sticking out of the ground at about 40mph, and hitting a curb sized piece of cement that separated the dirt and the grass at probably about 30. Lots of kartwheels, and roll overs. Only weird thing that happened was right at the end of my last tank. I had lost my brakes pretty much full on from going through all the crap and everything, but then I rolled it right at the end of my last tank. I ran over, flipped it, and gassed the sucker. It kinda just bogged like it was rich for about 10 seconds, I let off the gas, gunned it again, and it took off. Then, my brakes were working EXCELLENT again. Weird.
Hehe, going to clean it today though. Simple green drench, let it sit, blow it off with the 30gal air compressor, then WD40
Well I have some rain around my parts today so I think I'll look for some mud tomorrow and take some pics!
Definitely, I waited till there was a little snow left on the dirt so it was super muddy :). Although my jeans and shoes didnt look so good by the end of the day, lol.
We found this sweet mud hole and couldn't resist. Of course it required a complete teardown to clean, but worth it. That's muddin'!

I just completely tore down my truck and cleaned it, looks better than stock now :)
Now that looks FUN!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like places I take my 4 wheeler. I'm going to have to take my savage with me on my 4 wheeler, and get em both muddy, lol!
Good fun I see..

I want to see more mud pic people !!!

I will post a pic

I'm glad I'm not the only one running the tires backwards.

and to SDMorris, my savage usually looks like that, and I'm not running through abnormal conditions. if i would take it out after a rain, my savvy would be all brown.
its still a whole lot of fun to play in the mud! :jamout:
lol, I ran my tires backwards the other day on accident too.

Yeah, I have realized it wasnt even close to dirty, lol.
Looks fun but I have one question for all you mudders. What about the radio and servos with the water in the mud? Thats why I don't really like running in the mud.
Looks fun but I have one question for all you mudders. What about the radio and servos with the water in the mud? Thats why I don't really like running in the mud.

What you don't see in the pictures is the carnage to the radios, servos, etc! Trust me, it wasn't pretty! :duh:
Well I looked and looked for mud here and none found. Even with some rain here all we really have is sandy areas to run and with all of these GREAT mud pics I couldn't come close to competing. Oh well,I'll try to get it as dirty as possible still....
great pictures every one. its guna snow at ours soon i hope so ill try and get some pics them running my new cvds thanks to hop it
thanks 4x4
With my servo's, I didn't do a thing. The savages (Atleast the X's design) radio box does a good job at keeping everything dry in there. My receiver and throttle servo were barely touched, and my throttle servo is water resistant as it is. I really didnt care about the steering because once it craps out I am putting a better servo in anyways, but this servo is actually probably one of the best Ive ever had in a RTR, it hasn't given me any problems as of yet.

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