Mlst speed test

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that`s fast!
brushless E-motors are really powerful but I love the sound & smell of nitro engines.
I have 3 E-powered cars but I used them only periodical, I took one off the shelf and started driving it for a couple of weeks and put them back on the shelf for several months to go fishing again.
but I can`t get enough of nitro cars!
they`re WAY more fun than E-cars but that`s just my opinion.
since I got my savvy I wanna drive it everyday and that`s for 3 months now.
too bad I`m still working on my 3-speed.......
schumacher rascal

jdogg_js_here said:
wow that was fast, i'm thinking I just may have to pick one of those up
I don`t think they got brushless motors and lipoly batteries out of the box.
so I think you gotta take A LOT of money to the lhs
check this link:
I may be biased but nitro will beat E-power, especially a 3cc on such a little car and lipoly batteries are expensive,not to forget the charger!
if that`s`s not fast enough try an OS .18 TZ on it, 1.8 hp on a little worm like that and it will go airborne when it only thinks it hits a bump!
trashard said:
I don`t think they got brushless motors and lipoly batteries out of the box.
so I think you gotta take A LOT of money to the lhs
check this link:
I may be biased but nitro will beat E-power, especially a 3cc on such a little car and lipoly batteries are expensive,not to forget the charger!
if that`s`s not fast enough try an OS .18 TZ on it, 1.8 hp on a little worm like that and it will go airborne when it only thinks it hits a bump!

Yeah I figured I would have to spend alotta money, nitro would be nice. But I was looking for an electric to run indoors in the winter. I was originally thinking about getting a mini-t and doing it all up, but now that I've seen the MLST I might have to reconsider

Your right MLSt don't have brushless motors out of the box but with dual motors the truck does have some good snot. I have added a brusless motor to my mlst and have to say the accel and torque is great. On running the car in doors, you will have to experiment with multiple setup. The MLSt like to traction roll when running on carpet. The only great thing that the other 18th truck don't have is the ground clearence for when you decide to run on an outdoor track.

JOSH - let me know next time when you post a vid of my car.
The first thing if you are going to run the mlst inside is changed the stock shocks out, they are way too soft, and the tires I like to use the atx ones. I tryed useing the MLST inside but did not like it as much, so it is now a outdoor basher for me.....after my gas buggy breaks.
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check this out.
it`s a 1/30 scale monstertruck capable of running up to 35 kmh AND they are for indoors use only.
I got 2 of them, 1 for me and 1 for my little cousin of 3 years old.
complete with X-speed motor, oil shocks, ball bearings and an alu front shock tower.
they are insane!
only rear wheel drive but they act like a real monstertruck.
only problem is the price, I paid 450 euro each complete with ni-mh batts and chargers but I think they`re cheaper in the US.
I spent all winter with my little cousin bashing my sisters living room and building ramps and obstacle courses.
they won`t survive a 30 kmh crash into a chair but the suspension replacement parts aren`t that expensive.
we wrecked one and after spending a little amount on servo casings and suspension arms we were bashing the living room again!
check out the vids on this site and know that the cars they show are all stock, mine isn`t, hahahaha!
if you decide to buy one order a ballbearing set and an alu FRONT shocktower
with it right away.
the stock shock tower breaks 3 times an hour but after replacing it with the alu shock tower we haven`t had any damages in 3 months!
can you imagine a 3 year old boy not wrecking a thing like this for 3 months?
and you don`t need a big living room to bash with them.
the only problem is that they can`t run outdoors cause the gearbox isn`t sealed.
they don`t like mud and sand, if you run them in mud or sand it will last for about 5 mins.
I checked out those mini-z monsters online they are cheaper in the US I can get one for $100 here. But I think I am going to get the mini-t it's the same price at my LHS and he carries a ton of parts for it. Also they are going to be running a class to race them this year in the winter.
He used to carry the MLST but he had the first series of them (they had alot of problems I guess) but he stopped carrying them. So he has only a couple of parts left around now, he said he could order them if I needed them but he wasn't going to keep them in stock.
I know that I can order online but I really like the convenience of just going to the LHS to pick up a part, or if i'm using the track there to just walk over and buy a new part.

Now I just hope that I can get some speed like that MLST has.
how is it possible?????!!!!!!!
a mini-z monster sets you back for 179 euros that`s about 250-300 USD!!!!!!!
what`s happening over here?
how do I get an American passport?
I`m starting to dislike my little country and it`s government very much!
and I really hate the european union & the euro which have `blessed` us for over 4 years now. ####!
yup but my kyosho stuff comes from germany.
if I order it in the states I have to pay for shipping & customs fee thus making a 100$ mini-Z cost up to 300$ anyway.
those ######### from the customs service will make that sure.
enough whining & complaining.
check this out
another 1/16 scale electric car.
it`s not very fast out of the box but it`s a replica of the 1/8 inferno.
it`s got the same suspension & chassis tuning capabilities as it`s 1/8 scale brother.
all the parts needed to adjust the suspension are included in the box, the ground clearance can be adjusted by raising or lowering the entire drive train, the suspension geometry can be adjusted in numerous settings etc, etc....
I bought one for my little cousin a few weeks ago and today we made a racetrack out of garden hoses only problem is that we`ve only got one car.
BUT the lhs is open tomorrow so we`re gonna pick up a second one tomorrow as well as an additional 100 m of garden hose.
I already ordered 1 X-speed motor for my cousin but I think I`m gonna mount a brushless set in the second one but I first have to know what the motor & speedcontroller & 2 suitable lipoly packs & fast charger cost.
if it`s gonna be another 400 euro issue I rather buy hop-ups for my savvy!

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