Jumpshot sc

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NightFlier X4.6

Well-Known Member
Well I've built two savage's and wantEd something a little mild to tinker with so I've been looking at the jumpshot sc and decided to buy one got it yesterday and this thing looks sweet! I plan to keep it stock might even race it someday well see that might turn into a episode of a demolition derby at the county fair lol.let me know what you all think.


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Looks sweet! I've been thinking along the same lines as you. Thought I might like something simpler / easier and more importantly less time consuming so I could get some after-work runtime in without waiting for the weekends. Also been looking to give electric a try, since I've only had nitros so been curious about electrics and how the experience might differ. So I ordered a Jumpshot ST. It's on the way right now, scheduled for delivery on Monday. Hoping it will be a fun addition.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the SC. I was back and forth between the MT, SC, and ST. Tough decision.
It is the only thing that's a problem is the idler gear people was saying I've only ran mine once with 7200 nicd battery. Seen a video were people put a LiPo in it and shreaded that idler gear. So no plans soon to anything performance to mine. I have a savage flux and a savage x as well and my flux will run circles around my nitro.
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I've been reading about electric motor break-in. What I've read so far is all over the place as far as different opinions and methods. I was shocked to read about (and see videos of) the water break in method, I never would have thought that would be a good idea (or safe). The most sensible thing I've read is to take it easy the first run. I also thought about running for a few minutes at low throttle with wheels off the ground.

Did you consider motor break in at all? Any recommendations?
I've been reading about electric motor break-in. What I've read so far is all over the place as far as different opinions and methods. I was shocked to read about (and see videos of) the water break in method, I never would have thought that would be a good idea (or safe). The most sensible thing I've read is to take it easy the first run. I also thought about running for a few minutes at low throttle with wheels off the ground.

Did you consider motor break in at all? Any recommendations?

We did water break in's back when I raced electric stuff in the late 80's and early 90's, it was used to quickly break in the brushes to the commutators surface... but it is ONLY for brushed motors, most all the modern electric motors are brushless and require no breakin to perform at their best...
Interesting. I'd like to try a brushless setup down the line. But for now I wanted a fairly inexpensive option for checking out electrics. Hence the Jumpshot. It comes with a brushed motor - a Firebolt 15T, I believe. Jam, would you recommend anything specific for break in of that motor? I'm only looking at dry options. The water breakin seems too risky to me, and I've also read that it might increase performance in the short term but can really hurt longevity.
Jam, would you recommend anything specific for break in of that motor? I'm only looking at dry options. The water breakin seems too risky to me, and I've also read that it might increase performance in the short term but can really hurt longevity.

Just run it a few mins on part throttle and then go for it.... the firebolt is a closed endbell unit anyway and really don't need any specific breakin
Nice! I am envious of that let it rip attitude. Maybe I've been over-thinking it. Heck, the motor is only a 15 dollar part anyhow.

I ran it wheels off the ground for about 3 minutes at 1/3 throttle and then did a few more at 2/3 with slow ramp ups to full speed. Then I put it on the ground and drove like normal.

I'm pretty pleased so far. Everything works, which is always nice. Seems decently fast, drives very well. I like that electric hum. I was very impressed with the runtime on a 2000 mah battery.

The failsafe wasn't set up on mine. Same thing when I got my Savage X a few weeks back. No biggie though, got it configured and all was good.
Yes thats what i thought its a cheap motor so not to worried
Most brushed motors these days are too "cheap" to bother with a break in. If this were a high end racing motor I might say otherwise, but a Firebolt 15t is really cheap to replace.

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