Integy 23mm wheel extenders

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not sure what they are gonna do ..but it opens my wheel base up 2+1/2"!!
I was told I need to lengthin my wheel base to make it work right ..but I'm testing these 1st ..see how it goes ..anybody out there do this?
2 things I don't like ..1 no wheel nut..2 the pin is held in by a O-ring


wow, that will be putting alot of stress on the stub axle and bearings.

truggys use offset adapters, but never that much of an offset.

keep us posted with how it holds up

another great product by integy (sorry, I had to say it) :)
ya I m uploading the vids right now ,they worked great ..truck super stable ..cant flip if I tried ..and i sure tried! in a bit I'm goin back out to get some rear wheel drive action of the STS
so the 2nd session with the rear wheel srive savy didnt work out too good ,bit dark and I put a crappy pipe on it to save time and it was a tuneing nightmare!! my new pipe is here ,just need to get it..maybe tomarrow..heres the extended vid ..kinda like the way it sounds on slow mo
It loads kinda slow cuz putfile has good quality vids ..If i use google or youtube they arent as clear..o well ..worth it I think
don't know yet haven't had a chance to bash..and as you can see from my vids I BASH!! I just got a whole whack of parts from ebay this weekend the bashing will begin!..My 1st set where "automans" the 2nd Integy..the integy didnt come with axle pins? not sure if they forgot ..or too cheap to throw em in ..the automan stuff seems like a Integy knock off .but they came with 2 different pin sizes and fit snugg..I'm gonna throw the integy 1's on tonight ..rear wheel drive STS.30 with the new STS 07 pipe (just came in) so it'll be quite the test ..(midnight bash)I m also changein the gearing to 15/49 from 16/52..should be interesting..and fast as hell!
I'm sure if ya land from 20' crossed up like 1 of my bash vids ..they'll snap ...
so the integy's ..not too impressed..they didnt come with pins ..I had to make my own,then they didnt really fit ..had to file off a mil on the bearing side ..over all with wheel bearing change it took me 3 hrs to get em on and ready..they were $20 cheaper then the automans I bought here I got em (from "RCBoyz)ebay and i messaged them about that and sending me a 49tooth for a X instead of 25..they hooked me up with a great deal on parts and shipping ..but kinda screwed me on the 2 things I wanted to install tonight.
don't get me started on RCBoyz...LOL I've bought lots of stuff from them, mostly because they have lots of stuff for sale at a reasonable price, but they totally screwed me on a set of Carbon fiber TVP's I won, in one of their auctions...I had made arrangements to pay later than their required 7 days, and they had agreed to it...then, AFTER I paid them, they told me that the TVP's got sold to someone else, since I didn't pay in the 7 day time period...turns out, no one told their "automated system" that I had arranged to pay late...what I believe really happened is that they have more than one person running the auctions, and the guy I made the arrangements with, never bothered telling anyone else...they didn't offer me much of a they offered was to sell me a cheaper set of CF TVP's for the same price...they refunded me the money right away of course, but that didn't get me the rare TVP's I had won, now did it?

so I decided to make my own...whenever I get the time to cut the CF that is...
thats funny I'm at there ebay store right now pickin a whole bunch of stuff ..its easily 1/2 price shipped from what I pay here in canada..i get a$% raped by some of my local shops
don't get me I mentioned I've bought lots of stuff from them, and will buy more in the future, as their prices are excellent...I just cringe when I remember the sick feeling in my stomach when they emailed me, after refunding the $$, that they had sold the TVP's out from under me...I was downright furious for a bit...

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