I Quit !!!!!!!

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hey sj i have been getting headaches too and i cant sleep at all but it seems to be working i have only been smoking 1 or 2 a day how about u
I've decided to quit smoking too. I live in a house of smokers so it hasn't been easy. So far I have gone a day and a half without a cigarette. I have been snuffing just to cover the cravings and make sure I don't ask for a cig.
hey sj i have been getting headaches too and i cant sleep at all but it seems to be working i have only been smoking 1 or 2 a day how about u

BEEN 3 DAYS NOW FOR ME no ciggies !!!!
Doing great , gets easier everyday, Still I am really irritable and anything sets me off

btw Awesome Parker hope you can quit w/ us
:Xfingers: :Xfingers: :Xfingers: :Xfingers: :Xfingers: :Xfingers: :Xfingers:
When I quit smoking before and used the patch I took the patch off right before I went to bed. Then when I woke up I took a shower and put one on. That way I didn't have any of those vivd dreams. I relapsed while being a little intoxicated and wearing the patch and got welts the size of the patch on my back. DO NOT SMOKE WITH A PATCH ON!!!!!

I need to quit as well. Isn't it funny how you can always come up with excuses for not quitting.I know JUSTBRINGIT would love for me to quit smoking, and I would love to be able to do that not only for myself, but for him also. I guess i'm going to whyquit.com now.
It's hard ... Mind over matter really , 3 days and the nicotine is out of your system, I bought the gum .. spent 44 bucks on iy , chewed about 10 pieces , and now I wont even use it, I am trying to get off nicotine , and it's just putting it back in my system...

If anyone want to have the nicorette gum I will gladly send it to you , there is like 100 pieces of it
It's hard ... Mind over matter really , 3 days and the nicotine is out of your system, I bought the gum .. spent 44 bucks on iy , chewed about 10 pieces , and now I wont even use it, I am trying to get off nicotine , and it's just putting it back in my system...

If anyone want to have the nicorette gum I will gladly send it to you , there is like 100 pieces of it

Now you're telling me I need a mind too? GREAT! Well I guess you didn't say a sound mind so I just might be ok.

7days .. in 8 hr 19 min 45.9 sec

I felt really good Friday .. best I have felt in a long time
little spring in my step if you will...

But I NEED an addiction .. I know I know the savy.... BUT !!! IDK ..

7days .. in 8 hr 19 min 45.9 sec

I felt really good Friday .. best I have felt in a long time
little spring in my step if you will...

But I NEED an addiction .. I know I know the savy.... BUT !!! IDK ..

A good habit to replace it with would be eating a healthy snack, or having a drink of water.
I know that quitting smoking is a huge benefit to your health (You can gain 100lbs after you quit smoking before the risks are worse then when you were a smoker), but it would be good to neatly wrap things up by giving your body the fuel it needs to repair itself, or by building strength by heading to a gym.
Well i never smoked, but I rubbed snuff for nearly 17 years. What got me to quit cold turkey and never turn back is my wife is a registered nurse, she brought home this booklet from the hospital that showed pictures of people who had half their faces missing, tongues gone, right side jaw missing etc. Later that evening I threw a entire roll of Copenhagen away (45 DOLLARS) and bought like a weeks supply of Juicy Fruit gum. Been snuff free for 9 months now. When I got the craving, I just popped in a piece of gum, and thought about those pics...
yeah, the money's an excellent incentive, considering it costs double now, than it did back when I still smoked...plus, I also lost my father to lung cancer...it's a terrible thing, and if everyone had to go thru it, no one would ever smoke again...

i feel ya !! i lost my dad a couple years back to the same thing as he was a HEAVY smoker and before he died he told me i should quit before i ended up like him and i actually did for a bit but went through a rough time like everyone else and started back up again!! but when i did quit it was cold turkey and i admit i went through hell the first week or two then it started getting easier and that was it!! but as i said i went through some hard times and started again!! but were all behind ya SJ and it sounds like alot of us understand what your going through and I'm sure we'll all understand if u:pannedout: us once in a while!! lol good luck sj
Thanks guys , yessss gum is my friend

been 2 weeks today ..

My girlfriend is really bitchy and is having a hard time w/ it.. but hasn't smoked.. I also showed her vids and pic of what smoking does to a person .. Kinda scared her straight ..

Go to you-tube and check out Stop smoking
great job sj how did u do it i will smoke like 3 a day trying really hard to make it 0
i think the thing that really gets me with smokers is when they start choughing and light another cig that bugs me

and i also have lost family to smoking 3 accually really hard when u think all they had to do was try and put it down
And to top it off how it affects those around them. Second hand smoke isnt a made up deal to get people to stop smoking. I have heard of people getting lung cancer from co-workers , spouses etc and never smoked in their life and die from it, but the person who smoked lived on. Weird stuff

I mean to each its own, it is their business what they do and how they do it. But for the love of all thats holy think about the people who is around you. Especially people with children.

Please I'm not meaning to offend those who do smoke in no way. Its just more or less a request to think of others.

i second that^^ it is kinda inconsiderate when you think about it, really your kinda comiting murder in a way, taking years off someone life mabey 2 or 3 or in some cases 20 or 30.

i know my mom smoked for years and still does and its really kinda sad but shes made quite a few bad choises like throwing my dad out, and this was while she was trying to quit but still. she just went back 2 days later, well she got me out for good, all because of smokeing

and now about 2 weeks ago i caught her smoking dope and i was like ya ok you don't have no perskeription (don't know how to spell that) for that. bubye!!! so all that i can see is that smokeing gets you nowhere, i doesnt make you look cool or tough or anything of the sort. well theres my rant for the next year lol
Fortunately I never got involved in this habit.

Same for me, and hopefully I never will. Almost 75% of the teenagers are smoking here! I really don't want to be one of them... :shocked:

As I never started, I can't tell how hard it is to stop but I can imagine. I really wish you guys the best luck in quitting the smoking.


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