I need an avatar!

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XxxNate's SavagexxX

I got banned, that's why my name is yeller - IGNOR
please i really cant find anything that fits!
After yesterday's little oops...


Just kidding!
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nvm i get it... i will never shove my head up my ! but i like that avatar!
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Nate EDIT those posts! After yesterday you lucky to get a warning. I was thinking Pinocchio. I'll find it...

sorry man.....i ben bad latley..... i will be good(angel halo above head) no but sererusly i will stop ok?

or ill get

All will be forgiven but use this one just in case.... I asked c rash if I could put this on your profile just for fun. But I don't think you'd like it so I'll post it here.
Comic relief is good...
SeaBrook is not that far. I'm 20 mins from the boarder just to respond to that.
whayt for the track in fitchburg?

ok ill put that on my profile for three days if all will be forgiven!
whayt for the track in fitchburg?

ok ill put that on my profile for three days if all will be forgiven!

lol I don't think you want to open that can of worms! It would be funny but the ribbing will just keep going. Keep your posts non-personal if you want it to stop. At least your being a good sport about it.

Yes the track, Nashua is 40mins from here also. Ill map quest it...
as long as you don't want to invoke revenge upon me or my truck i will go once i finish my hellfire and MGT Projects
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