HPI rush rear suspension

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I bought a rush for $50 as a project. I have fixed and upgraded alot of stuff but I am having a huge problem with the rear suspension. The toe in is way to high. The wheels are angled in way to much and it causes the rear end to drag and makes the car squirly at speed. It seems like that part of the suspension isnt adjustable. I am just hoping some one car point me in the right direction
I tried I have a rsr parts car and the it dosent work. The part that has the toe is actualy the hinge pin that the entire are pivots off of. From what i see its not adjustable without some kinda custom mod. This truck was beat to crap, i am thinking parts where just worn so I am gonna get a new setup. i found one on ebay for $8 for front and rear suspension arms
yep thats it. except I installed a spare G3.0 .18 in it so now its crazy fast. I am hoping the suspension is worn and installing a new parts will help. I just don't understand why it has so much toe in from the factory
you sir have a rocket lol its cause it 2wd and idk bout you but back then hpi didnt really care like they do know with everything have tons of adjustments
well I used good old fashioned ingenuity and fixed my problem myself. I used my small butane torch, some pressure and viola toe is perfectly straight. I am too cheap to put any money in this thing. My savage is my money pit this is just a beater
yea the firestorm fixed alot of the flaws of the rush. I don't care for the open deck and semi unprotected RX on the firestorm. in my rush it has an enclosed body and the radio is directly midship inside it. The radio is pretty much untouchable even in the worst wrecks. and now that installed the firestorms motor I have the best of both worlds lol

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