Hard to start

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Active Member
Brookfield WI
Hi I have a hard time starting my savage when it is hot. like if it stalls or i run the tank out it very hard to start again just wondering if this is normall

Thanks guys
no it should start right back up and most times it starts even easier if hot ... how long have you had the engine and how much fuel been through it? if the engine is wore out it will do that ... wont start till it cools off again....good luck happy bashn..
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It's called vapor lock, and it's completely normal. When the engine is running, the constant flow of fuel through the carburetor keeps the fuel port fairly cool, below the boiling range of the fuel. When you shut the engine off, this flow stops, and the port heats back up again. When you try to pump fuel through the carburetor to restart the engine, the fuel vaporizes, which changes the flow rate through the carb, and prevents a proper air/fuel mixture from entering the engine. This makes the engine difficult or impossible to start. The only thing you can really do is wait for the engine to cool back down before trying to start it.

Hope this helps.
To test for vapor lock bring a can of electronics duster (co2). when it wont start invert it and spray the carb body. it will cool it fast. If still not starting you have another issue.
Thanks guys there is about 2 gallons run threw it and it runs really good i really have had no other problems but this. if i do have to rebuild soon is it hard
not hard at all to rebuild just got to jump into it and once you see how very little there is to it youll do fine...but if your mill still has alot of top end pinch it should be ok... I'm thinking its a slight tune issue or perhaps the glow plug is a lil weak. they cause all kind of tuneing probs and starting issues if they are starting to go out...good luck..

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