Dogbone Grease?

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Humboldt, CA
What kind of grease is best to use on the ends of the dogbones? I used some silicone grease which worked but I'm lookin for something that will last a bit longer woithout needing to be reapplied. I thought I heard somebody mention graphite being in the original stuff but I can't remember.
I'm not sure what they use but I know that I have NEVER put any grease back on the ends and mine hold up just fine.....

Maybe I am just lucky but I also find that grease will attract dirt and then wear the cups out or even the dogbones even faster...
Thanks for the quick response. Mine get squeeky when they are dry and get dust in them. Nothing major, just kind of annoying LOL! The place I've been running is really dusty so everything gets coated in it weather it's got grease on it or not. Just cleaning them does not seem to get rid of it.
Hmmm never paid attention to if mine are squeaky or not...most of the time I don't hear it anyways or not close enough to me. I just find the grease attracts dirt and gets messy easier....

Just my .02 though
Yeah it definitely does, I've seen people make small covers around the cup and dogbone ends with shrink wrap to keep dirt off the greased area but I just can't see those staying on mine for some reason LOL!
I'm running mine dry as well because grease + dirt = grinder. Of course there will also be dust and dirt on them when dry, but not as much.
i'm with parker & gani on this 1. i'm done putting grease anywhere but the pinion/ring gear. too much dirt gets in there & makes grinding compound.

I'm trying out the 'dry ice' race lube that lyle sent to me but other than that i recommend running them dry.
Like stated above, I have found that greasing the ball cups and ball ends will destroy your O-Ring's which give you positive engagement, keeping the dog bone from moving around. You could use a dry graphite to eliminate the squeaking.
I run mine dry as well, however, if you wanted to grease them I would recommend just going to your local auto parts store and buying automotive grease, you can get a lifetime supply for $3
No grease for me. Like parker said it attracts dirt. On top of that it's a little messy, I like to work with greasy stuff (shock fluid, diff oil, and grease) as little as possible.
I've never greased any dogbone. I eliminate any annoying squeaking by driving a nitro.

i use a dry graphite spray that doesnt attract to much dust. its just messy to apply


Any dry lubricant will work well. Graphite is good, molybdenum disulfide is even better. I personally use a graphite spray lubricant, which is basically fine graphite powder suspended in an isopropanol/acetone mixture. Spray goes on, and the liquids evaporate, leaving a film of graphite.

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