DIY foam for 87044 filter?

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Both 2 trucks need replacement foam for the 87044 filter. Mine were just gunk so I don't know what it looked like when good.
I see a guy used the typical black case lining type foam... Any recommendations?
I know there are cool replacement filter solutions but I am happy with the stock if it has foam that doesn't melt with oil or fuel absorption. Recommendation for oil was to get a spray can of it from an auto parts store. Might they have a cheap foam filter of some sort I could repurpose/source foam from?
Don't skimp on foam my man..

An engine Is ALOT more expensive.. And after destroying a really great engine.. You're gonna wish you spent the 5-6$ for a good foam filter..

Amazon even has bulk packs of just basic ones.

Always foam..

Always oiled.

Never substitute!

MAYBE get away with the paper style kn ones if you run short drags or on road only..

Braaaaap on!

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