Carb Turns

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I took my engine off yesterday (after my BAD UPSIDE DOWN LANDING that tore my engine plate and mount)and noticed that my carb was turned a little.So then i took the pinch bolt off and retightend it again and noticed that i could still turn it with my hands with just a bit of force.Is that normal????
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It's not meant too if it's anything like the older .25. This happened to my .25 and it caused a massive air leak due to me over tightening the pinch trying to fix it. If it doesn't leak air you should be OK. If you pull the carb out of the engine there is a metal ring around the plastic carb body that goes into the engine. The metal ring is not meant to spin but is not secured well enough to the plastic carb body and can easily be broken. There are other carbs which fit the 4.1 and that's the best solution I think.
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I'll run it once and see what happens.
I have a very high idle ever since i noticed my carb turns.I was thinkin i prolly have an air leak so i took the carb off and i could not see a metal ring,all i saw was just a black o-ring around the plastic carb body(i do have it sealed).Is there something i could do that would solve the problem without getting a new carb.
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