Antenna tube

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Active Member
Alledonia, Ohio
I bought my new Savage X 4.6 a while back and finally yesterday got a chance to break it in. I tryed using the stock HPI antenna tube that came in the box but could not get it threaded. I had a DuBro and used it. I ran my 4 tanks of break in fuel and started getting a little more out of control and everytime I flipped the truck over backward I would break my antenna. I broke it in 4 places and am now trying to get the RX through the stock tube and it just wont go. I can fight about an inch of it and thats it. The tube is straight as can be, and the hole in the tube is round not eggshaped. It just seems like the hole is not big enough. Anyone have some ingenious plan or idea that I can do to get the stock one threaded. The LHS is about an hour and a half away,, one way. I was blaming the DuBro for breaking so much because of the 40 degree weather, but maybe not. If the stock one wont go does anyone know of a tough antenna that wont break in the warm and cold. Thanks.
I have found this to be the easiest, quickest and cheapest method, and it works great. Just get a drill with a 1/4" bit or whatever size you want and just drill a hole in the back part of the cab. I broke every tube coming out of the stock hole, but since drilling the new one, I haven't broke one. The picture is bad quality because I took a snapshot of a video. But you get the idea.

I have found this to be the easiest, quickest and cheapest method, and it works great. Just get a drill with a 1/4" bit or whatever size you want and just drill a hole in the back part of the cab. I broke every tube coming out of the stock hole, but since drilling the new one, I haven't broke one. The picture is bad quality because I took a snapshot of a video. But you get the idea.


Ya what he said .... its how i run my antennas and they last a lot longer that way...and as for getting the wire throught the stock tube try a squirt of wd-40 in the tube and on the wire... it may help
I had a hard time getting the antenna wire to run down the tube so i got a needle and some thread, dropped the threaded needle down one end of the tube, wrapped the thread around the antenna cord and yanked it through. Worked pretty well actually.
I had a hard time getting the antenna wire to run down the tube so i got a needle and some thread, dropped the threaded needle down one end of the tube, wrapped the thread around the antenna cord and yanked it through. Worked pretty well actually.

I've used this method before also and it worked very well.
I have found this to be the easiest, quickest and cheapest method, and it works great. Just get a drill with a 1/4" bit or whatever size you want and just drill a hole in the back part of the cab. I broke every tube coming out of the stock hole, but since drilling the new one, I haven't broke one. The picture is bad quality because I took a snapshot of a video. But you get the idea.

Great Idea man
good ideas fellows, thanks. I just came in from running my truck. My buddy had an extra one and I broke it too,,,, I'm worse than my kids. I'll try the thread idea. let ya know how it worked.
I keep most length inside radio box and leave it short outside of it .
No reception problems.
Old pic-Cage lasted 5 mins and is long gone.

I used some washing up liquid/soap.. whatever you call it. It is very slippy so put some on your fingers and rub it up and down the antenna wire, then slide it inside the tube, then if you reach a tough part.. using a pair of needle nose pliers, gently grab the wire 4mm from the tube entrance and push it up inside the tube.. do this until the wire pops out the other end. Worked for me =)
You can use the tube from a McDonalds flag. It's the same size. Simple as that. :cheers:

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