A letterTo All

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You sound scary, SJ... Stop that! or I'll put a couple LiPo three cell batteries n your vibrators.
it will put the Energizer Bunny to shame...

Oh... By the way... Got one brace done, and I'll send it with another brace blank that needs to be tapped.
I'll send the parts that go with it so you can complete the second one, bud.

I'll even send you a tap to do it with.
Be real gental on the tap,... they break too easy. A propperly sized pilot hole is a must.

As you can see... there's been other distactions happenning for me lately, so I hope this will work out for ya...

I've popped in few different times to spy on this site since I left,
but I guess it's been about two years since I posted anything under my avatar...

Well, guess what... IT FEELS GREAT!!!

Since I've been gone, I can see there's alot of new guys out here.

Wecome to the site, Savaholics.
Crash tells me that you new guys are a purdy cool bunch.

I'd sure like to know how many of my old cyber-buds are still here.
Just want to say that I've missed all you nuckleheads like Oprah misses cheese cake.
I might need to start a thread to see if I can round a few of you guys up.

I hope that all are doing great and have a good budget for parts and nitro fuel.(frig'in economy)

I'll be pop'in in alot more often to chat some bashage and check PM's now that I've got a wi-fi laptop.

On that note...
U'all take care of yo selves, ya hear-ah.
I said it before I'll say it again. Welcome back Doob!!!!!
you and i have already spoke doob but I'm glad to see you back, your unique way with words have been missed for sure!! lol and most of the old bunch is still here so welcome back my friend!!!!!!!!
My man Doobeewha~

great to see you back around my friend.

Doobeewha had a key role in getting me hooked not only on the Savage but, HPISF

He took me under his wing when I was a Noob here blowing spur gears... and taught me how to wrench and how to be a great forum member.

Glad your back~

need anything let me know.


you v me v
Jay and Bob
I'm the skinny guy...lol........:cwm27:
yes doob was one of the first people to offer help when i needed it when i first got into this hobby and honestly folks the site was never the same without him.....
Already talked to you doobeewha but glad to see you posting again! For those that don't know doobeewha, you don't know what you guys have been missin out on! Great member here!
hey doob, like i said in shout, welcome back from your hiatus from your friends both old & new; ive hit up many-a-'doob thread' throughout my membership.

:jamout: rockout bevis
Welcome back doobster. I'm just gonna make it quick cuz I'm posting this from my blackberry on my lunch break. I'll post again when I get back in town. Glad your back and hope to share some bash stories with ya.


It's great to here all you guys chime in.
I can't say how much I dig this return to the the chat pool here ay hpisf....


I wish I can say that I'm just as intrenched in this the hobby as I was before I logged out.
I'm going to need Batteries, fresh fuel, ect.

This wi-fi laptop I've got makes it alot easier to be chatty these days.
Checking out my old threads has been nothing less than a "way-back machine".

(remember that I type as fast as "spit on a spachula")

I heard that Samisavage is MIA...quote:SJ.
Hope thats not for long and he's doing fine.

Are there any more buds out here?
I hope to here from all, asap.

mega, wister, oregon mud, polystyreen, sami, savagecre, rexv, 400, jeremy, just to name a few....
Just jogging the memory here...

Again, thanx for the warm wecome back my cyber-buds.
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glad to have you back bro .. been a hard year for me .. if u wanna know .. check out some of my recent threads
glad to have you back bro .. been a hard year for me .. if u wanna know .. check out some of my recent threads

Thankx, sj
I hear ya on the hardship thing bud... It's happenning everywhere it seems.
The county I'm living in here in California almost like a different country.

Whole strip-malls and busssinsses have disapeared seemingly overnight.
Unemployment is well into the 20% zone according to resent consensus.
As you may remember, I lost my new startup bussiness in this ecom-crash.

Just keep reminding yourself that you and many others are going through the same thing. As long as you preserve your health and family, you'll get thought it. Best wishes and prayers, Jeremy.
Yea thanks bro .. I had a great job .. with i can still have .. its women man women are the rout of all evil!
Doob, again, glad to hear your back the the HPISF family. There's tons of new members here who are more than willing to help out with anything you need, which I feel has increased more over the past year or so. Members donating parts without asking to be paid for and that sorta thing. I'm sure if you post somethings that you need to get back up and runnin, members will pitch in and help. I know I will. Let us know.
Hey xtreme,
Thankx for the thought there bud. I know we all take care of each other out here...That's one of the reasons why I love the site.

If I need, I will ask for sure.

My RC gear is still being stored for now but the day will come when I'll be dust'in off the beast soon. I will keep you guys posted on
my progress with the un-pack when it happens.

My current living location does'nt allow for a toxic outdoor hobby like nitro. Just too filthy for a clean a apartment. This hobby needs a toolshed
or garage location.
But,... if there's a will, there's a way.... I'm working on it.

This economy still has me on the apprehensive side of things.... I hope things are good for you and your new bride these days.
Any lil' xtreme's on the way?....he he.
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I hope things are good for you and your new bride these days.
Any lil' xtreme's on the way?....he he.

Thinngs are goin great and no kids anytime soon. Closong on a house in a few weeks hopefully. From what I've seen and heard, the economy is starting to pick back up, slowly, but picking back up. Hope you can get out and bash soon. Is it killin you not bein able to bash or run the savvy?
Thinngs are goin great and no kids anytime soon. Closong on a house in a few weeks hopefully. From what I've seen and heard, the economy is starting to pick back up, slowly, but picking back up. Hope you can get out and bash soon. Is it killin you not bein able to bash or run the savvy?

Is it killing me?
Not as much as it was like in 08'.
My life has been on hold it seems, since this recession crap has been happenning. The cause of this recession has been even more alarming.
I won't get started on my political rant for the day....lol

Let's just say I'm very aware and informed of the total hipocracy behind the political scene.
This not the forum to vent my rage.

Yeah...I can pray that things are going to get better soon for myself and
this nation. Frankly, It's been a blessing that I still have my storage in times like these.
So I guess there's always something to be grateful for, isn't there...

Just remember guys... enjoy these times you have with the hobby like there's no tomorrow. You never know when life forces a change for better or worst.

O K !!! Now that I sound like a complete BUMMER... Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!

PEACE ON EARTH!.....and a solar powered Savage.
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I don't know if I say lol or get up on my soap box too. god its your thread ill let it go... I am powerless, I AM powerless, I AM POWERLESS ... ok wheres my gun.
So what's on your agenda for life's little endeavors? I enjoy everyday as if it's the 1st day of the rest of my life. I did say Welcome back Carter....
]-[0pa]0ng;131792 said:
So what's on your agenda for life's little endeavors? I enjoy everyday as if it's the 1st day of the rest of my life. I did say Welcome back Carter....

Hey hop!
Good to here from ya...
Thankx for the wecome from you and Bankrupter.
What's on the agenda? Well... I've probably already said too much in regards to "the economy and Me".
Bank is right about the soapbox syndrome.lol

Were all going through it to some degree or another. Living everyday to the fullest is all we can really stive for and "I TRY to remember that thought" when ever I get caught up in the reality of things.

I hope things are good for you and the gang here. Haven't seen Mega out here lately.... Hope he's doing well also.
The site is looking great and I'm glad I've been able to check-in and visit with some, here and there. I here there was a server change resently and is responsable for missing pics throughout the site. Hope that gets fixed soon.
Seems like old treads and posts have vanished also.

Good luck with all that and if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know, OK?....
Peace-out Hop.

(can't believe nobody spazzed when I mentioned the notion of a "solar-powered Savage"...Go fig.lol
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