Ballistic Batteries 6V 2700mAh Receiver Battery Pack (Most Vehicles)

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good find!! man you would get alot of runtime on a charge with that hump pack.... its worth a try!!! thanks for sharing...........
ive ordered a hump for my crt.5 from them directly and its good quality cells. they used saynos in mine you should be fine but idk if that will fit in the stock box
Looks like AA cells & if so, the pack is gonna be huge. 2700Mah is way overkill for a savage unless you only want to charge it every few months.
Fred i run 2500 mah batts in mine i finish a pack off in a days bashing. However i am using a ACE 1015 with some heavy tires.

I will be using a the same servo's (ace 1015) and would hate for the stock batteries to give out after only two runs. Chris is selling batteries of the capacity for $35. I figure if these are cheaper with the same capacity. Can never be safe by having more power.
+1. your better off investing in a good charger. i run my crappy 1200mah hpi pack for a few bash sessions before recharging it.

packs gonna work better & last longer if you cycle it more. id say go with the elite cells that b/r pointed out and go with a 1500 or so Mah. it will rock.
+1 on the 1500 elites, i just got one to power my ace servos! Hyperion charger FTW!!rockout
I have the Orions 1600 and stock 1200 and they seem to run out quickly. I have a hyperion Charge and I need to get the connection to charge the batteries.
sometihg I'm cluesless on here, but what gauge of wire would one need for a pack 1500-2200?

I think if you don't upgrade the pack it don't matter you get like 22 the most 2 servos can draw 22 is fine
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lol k thanks you ( all three of you ) this forum seriously rocks more and more each day. you guys are so helpful at spending my money. oh and by the way my girlfriend hates you all...cornfused
lol k thanks you ( all three of you ) this forum seriously rocks more and more each day. you guys are so helpful at spending my money. oh and by the way my girlfriend hates you all...cornfused

Do worry my friend that is why we are all on the forum to get sympathy and encourage each other that it is OK to BBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUYYYYYY.

It is not only a place to learn but to counsel..

I use a 2/3a 1500 with 1015 and 1313 servos no issues battery packs dot com .... sanyos , elites custom made to any spec 17.99 -25 bucks 1500 -2700 mah add the cell count at the top of the page and go from there

Good place to shop...can't compete with the volume those guys produce.

The difference is in the construction of the packs. All these guys use a welded metal strip not much thicker than foil in most cases, but it's enough for a Rx pack. I use high-current teflon wire.

Justin you can't say anything 'cause I built you a pack that ended up with a dead cell. hehe
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x2 on the cheap foil conectors they are okay in a hump pack (Maybe) But for anything else no thank you. I have ripped every battery pack I have apart and redone them with normal copper bars (around 3 bucks a pack to do) Plus when you make your own you can test the cells first and buy the quality and type of cells you want and do the whole thing 10-40% cheaper depending on what type of pack you need.
Good place to shop...can't compete with the volume those guys produce.

The difference is in the construction of the packs. All these guys use a welded metal strip not much thicker than foil in most cases, but it's enough for a Rx pack. I use high-current teflon wire.

Justin you can't say anything 'cause I built you a pack that ended up with a dead cell. hehe
yea the base price is Tin strips 4 sure. the upgrade is battery bars. I think that is a buck a battery to step it up. I don't do the upgrade not needed for a hump in my eyes.

Yea that pack was unfortunate to say the least. To date I have still not bought a big pack (2700) for my tx till the other night when I posted this link. Been dealing with 1K flat packs in it...
I've purchased 2 or 3 packs from Chris, never EVER had a problem with anything he created. Awesome guy to deal with. The extra cash is worth it to help support a forum member and make new contacts.

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