Savox Servo

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Have fitted a Savox now on my Savage for the steering. Have not used this make before always fitted/used HiTec, but can you tell me if it’s normal for this make to give off a humming noise when in operation, it doesn’t appear to make it when returned to neutral only on the odd time & when it does if I move the wheel slightly it goes away. I have got steering travel set at 100% & if I back this off it makes no difference & powered up servo first to centre it before I fitted servo horn. Would fitting a capacitor on receiver help with this?

Can you please offer any further advice/help please!
Hi, yes but fitted/used Digital HiTec servos in past & they were silent in operation, so are Savox known for this?
I've noticed my savox's, traxxas, JR, JX all hum/buzz when there is slight pressure on them. My hitec's do the same, not as pronounced as the savox's though.
Well have re centred my servo & adjusted EPAs again on steering & servo seems a lot happier with not so much noise, don’t recall this much trouble with HiTec servos but that was 14yrs ago perhaps have forgotten! ??

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