Ryugaiden05/Soulja55 Mid Tank

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Well-Known Member
Just thought I would post a few pics to show that the forum mascot's parts have found a new home. I just installed the mid-tank and throttle setup that Soulja put together into my Savage yesterday. Just got to find some time once this weather breaks to get out and do some test runs with it. Oh, and the XL tires are from Soulja as well. I really think they make the truck look meaner.



Ignore the mess, really did not feel like cleaning up after I got done.
looks sweet bud. and you call that a mess? id be embarrassed to show you my work bench. i got 1 1/2 savages ripped apart, and two revos all on the same table. I'm dreading the day of cleaning it up so i just leave it all out. lol.
Man thats a sweet lookin savy you have there dude!!!:jamout:
hey dude.....now you need the carbon fiber TVPs....there are still some left out there...........
Finally, took the truck out to run tonight. It seems to respond well, just got to work on my brakes as I had very little to slow the truck down. Going to have to go down to my GT tires as the XLs are a bit large for my gearing. It seemed the clutches would not pull at low speeds but once I got up to 3/4 or above the truck picked up, but was still straining a bit to go through the gears. Might look into some new clutch shoes to see if that helps out some.
ok. sounds kool. have Matt shoot some vid of it 4 us.

lord knows you shoot enough vid for him :jamout:
naw dude.....the shoes are fine......it's all in the gear. you might have to move to a 16 or 17/52. 16/52 will cure the problem if you want to run those tires.
ryu, i forgot to ask (and forgive me if you already posted ) but what tvps you got?

I'm diggin the the black tvps, gives it an evil look!
They are the LCG plates the HPI had put out. I think HPI has discontinued them. I love them, it does give the truck a very mean look.

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