Teamspeak Server

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Well-Known Member
hey guys here is a teamspeak server I have up and running and I made it for the great guys that use this forum.


Their is not a password at this time but if it gets where people that are not from here I will make it have a password. Join me!
Nevermind I'm losin my marbles. :dunno: :whipit:
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Purpose of team speak is neverending. It could be seen as a verbal shoutbox instead of typing and waiting. Or, several rooms could be made for live help on savage issues. Just another social outlet for the members.
A friend of mine is using it right now for Americas Army but if I can get enough people that say they will use it and do use it I will tell them I need it back.
explain this again, I'm not understanding the concept. sorry I slow
Teamspeak is like our shout box. Only we talk to each other using microphones instead of typing.
thanks FX , that sounds cool. do we need speacial software? I see there is a port on back of pc for mic.
If you can use dial up, that would be great.

Is there any cost to this? In other words, how may it effect net billing services, ect?

Something to consider...

How would it effect the normal chat we already are acustom to?
If members begin to use teamspeak, will they be less prone to ever typing in questions, answers, ect?

My consern here is this.
Will those of us who may be unable to use teamspeak will missing out on the interaction of subject matter?

Will those who preffer teamspeak, fall into the habbit of rarely ever typing in questions and answers to the threads and posts that make this forum what it is?

I'm all for the thought of having a tool such as teamspeak...

========================= As long as it doesn't lead to the end of this forums general appeal and purpose.================================
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It will not cost anything to use........and the first time we had this if failed but we had much less members.
Again... My consern here is that it may discourage any new and current member from feeling in the mix of things.

I really like the idea of being able the speak with all of you.

Until there's no issue of speaking to ALL OF YOU, I'm afraid that my vote goes to a clear NO on this server.

Once the issue is resolved, I will then suggest that we have another vote where I can then change my mind.
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I was always on TS AND in the chat box...........never affected me not posting or typing
I personally wouldn't be able to use it b/c I have a HORRIBLE dial-up connection. For those of you that understand, I generally connect around 15 - 19 kbps. Talk about brutal. For those that don't understand, let me put it this way: Every time someone posts more than 2 pics in a thread, it's like watching paint dry waiting for the page to load. Generally, if it's a thread full of pics, I don't even take the time to read it unless I'm looking at it from work (T1 line).

That being said, I don't think it would cause a problem with things not being posted, or at least not on a large enough scale to worry about. It's basically the shoutbox without typing (can't usually load the shoutbox from home, either by the way). However, even with the shoutbox here, I don't think it really hurts the threads much if at all.

I know that if I have a question about something, I would post a thread for at least 2 main reasons: first is that I don't usually have time to sit on a computer for very long while someone explains something, so it's easier to start a thread and check it later for responses. The second reason being that I think that by having the thread on the forum, it could potentially help someone else, or perhaps dozens of others to read the thread.

Just my opinions, but of course everyone is entitled to their own!
I personally like the Teamspeak and typing but I just like to be able to actually be able to talk to some1.
I would love to use it, by the way. As soon as I can upgrade my service, I would use it. Problem is that where I live, there is no DSL and no cable, so my only other option is a satellite internet provider (basically, either Hughes Net at $59.99 per month after a few hundred in equipment up front, or Wild Blue at $49.99 per month after a few hundred in equipment up front). Once I upgrade, I would use it, but til then, my connection is WAY too slow.
I personally wouldn't be able to use it b/c I have a HORRIBLE dial-up connection. For those of you that understand, I generally connect around 15 - 19 kbps. Talk about brutal. For those that don't understand, let me put it this way: Every time someone posts more than 2 pics in a thread, it's like watching paint dry waiting for the page to load. Generally, if it's a thread full of pics, I don't even take the time to read it unless I'm looking at it from work (T1 line).

That being said, I don't think it would cause a problem with things not being posted, or at least not on a large enough scale to worry about. It's basically the shoutbox without typing (can't usually load the shoutbox from home, either by the way). However, even with the shoutbox here, I don't think it really hurts the threads much if at all.

I know that if I have a question about something, I would post a thread for at least 2 main reasons: first is that I don't usually have time to sit on a computer for very long while someone explains something, so it's easier to start a thread and check it later for responses. The second reason being that I think that by having the thread on the forum, it could potentially help someone else, or perhaps dozens of others to read the thread.

Just my opinions, but of course everyone is entitled to their own!
Very well stated thrasher6,
I see your position on every point you made here.
It doesnt change my vote, but it is very well recieved.

You made some strong points and informed me of things I didn't know.

Thanks, bud
There's really nothing "not to like" with the team speak server... Unless you have dial up. at least we've established that.
It's really too bad because I want to talk to all of you guys, also.
I personally wouldn't be able to use it b/c I have a HORRIBLE dial-up connection. For those of you that understand, I generally connect around 15 - 19 kbps. Talk about brutal. For those that don't understand, let me put it this way: Every time someone posts more than 2 pics in a thread, it's like watching paint dry waiting for the page to load. Generally, if it's a thread full of pics, I don't even take the time to read it unless I'm looking at it from work (T1 line).

That being said, I don't think it would cause a problem with things not being posted, or at least not on a large enough scale to worry about. It's basically the shoutbox without typing (can't usually load the shoutbox from home, either by the way). However, even with the shoutbox here, I don't think it really hurts the threads much if at all.

I know that if I have a question about something, I would post a thread for at least 2 main reasons: first is that I don't usually have time to sit on a computer for very long while someone explains something, so it's easier to start a thread and check it later for responses. The second reason being that I think that by having the thread on the forum, it could potentially help someone else, or perhaps dozens of others to read the thread.

Just my opinions, but of course everyone is entitled to their own!

have you tried teamspeak? it doesn't use alot of bandwidth at all, which is why we use them for online games...leaves the bulk of the bandwidth open for the's a free download, so it might be worth a try?
have you tried teamspeak? it doesn't use alot of bandwidth at all, which is why we use them for online games...leaves the bulk of the bandwidth open for the's a free download, so it might be worth a try?

Thats what I the Teamspeak client and see how it goes. Just wait for the download.....I was at 5 kbs one day with Cable.
3 to 5 kbs is all the bandwidth dialup is, at a constant feedrate.

Highspeed dial up only pluses the fatter kbs at 5-9 kbs momentarily, and settles to 2-4 kbs on an average.

Ever wonder how you Virus ware can get a fast A$$ update?
Because they are giving priority access by law.

If we had access to total bandwidth of the dial up connection, It would be unbelievabe in speed
compared to now.

At the current governning rate that the net providers allow, there's no head room lelt to keep the other
background tasks the the PC needs to have done throught net with the teamspeak running at the same
This is no accident.

Not to get off subject, but the internet providers take all of the true bandwidth that dial up can actually
provide by bloating up with the ad's to max capacity. And then there's the media in the mix with priority
bandwidth access for news events and trivia, also by law.

If I was good with the PC thing, I could hack into these priority ports that the the net peroviders hog up to
themselfs, and increase the speed some.

But this is not the case for me at this time.
============================== F5ck87g dialup!!=====================================
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