Put To Bed!

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Well-Known Member
Just out of general interest what do you guys do with your trucks over the winter, do you put after run in,clean them up & store away for winter like me?
Or just keep them out ready for action all year round?
Honestly I have not even started my nitro rig in about 3 years, but yes I clean them after use, give the engine some after run oil and put them on their assigned places on the shelf....
I keep my electrics ready to go because we run races even in cold wet weather.... unless it is pouring then I stay in and play with the 1/24 and 1/18 stuff in the living room.....
Also from Florida and run all my trucks in the “winter” time. But during the summer when it’s the surface of the sun, I just put the pistons at the bottom and let them be until “winter” time
I live up on the Frozen Tundra (North Dakota) I have only one engine I run during winter (OS-30VG) its been a little bear at -25 in 2ft snow. I wrap it good with sock and aluminum foil to help it keep temperature. otherwise none of my other nitros have been run during winter ( LRP .32, Picco P3, Novarossi P7) I Don't really clean them anymore as they don't get run often, about the only thing I do for storage is empty fuel tank( light destroys nitro) and bottom center them and maybe blow them off with aircompressor.

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