looking for receiver battery recommendations?

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Looking for recommendations for batteries for my reciever? I have a hump pack 6v but I think it went bad from sitting for 2 years and I really wanted to bash this weekend, so I’m looking for recommendations. I was thinking of using 4 x 1.5v alkaline Duracell’s and then just changing them early or will they not even last me 20-30 mins?
I’ve got a hpi sf50 servo for steering and a HPI sf2 for the steering, however i will probably have to upgrade when these break so idk how the newer batteries will like the more power hungry servos.

And then for the future what would you guys recommend? I was thinking of getting those lithium AA rechargeable that are 1.5v and using them in the 4 x battery holder. I don’t really know how I feel about a hump pack again. what do yall think of those? or am i completely fine to run brand new aa each time i wanna bash?


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