hpi sf50 servo not centering the steering, making buzz noise

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I’ve got a savage x 4.6 and sorry I’m a newb and I think I have a servo centering problem. I did some research and I can’t tell if it’s just the nature of the servo or if it’s soemtbing wrong. My throttle servo is perfectly fine but my steering servo will make a constant buzzing noise unless I push the tires to a center. If i push them to centre, its quiet but then when i turn again it doesnt come back to centre and still makes the noise. I tried setting the trims on the remote however it doesn’t seem to fix the issue. I cannot seem to tell or remember if this issue was present always or if it just started. I changed my steering bell CRAnk and servo saver recently so it could also be from soemthing regarding that. Curious on what y’all think it is?​


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