Cool Stuff, Had to share.

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Well-Known Member
Indianapolis, IN
So my brother called me yesterday and we were doing our usual chit chat. And he nonchalantly says "Oh, hey, I forgot to tell you, I pulled flag detail."
Yea. My kid brother pulled flag detail. I respond with my usual "Uh.... okayyyy..?"
So, long story short, my brother has the honor of holding the American Flag for the "Presentation of Colors" for the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500.
Wait, what?! We're just a couple guys from Nowhere Special, Central Indiana. This is my kid brother we're talking about here. The kid I used to knock off his bike to see how far he'd roll. The kid I chucked into the White River to see if we could walk on the ice. (Answer was no, by the way )

So, yeah, sorry fellas, I'm bragging. It's not a huge national holiday thing happening in Washington DC, it's not The Tomb of The Unknowns, but for an average guy from a small town in the midwest, it's a pretty big deal. I'm super excited for him.
Thanks for letting me share with y'all.

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