a new body and an old body... (56k maybe...)

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Jim 18

Rhode Island
i think i enjoy making the bodies more than actually running the truck sometimes. here are 2 of my nitro gt2 bodies, one is last years body, the other is this years.

last year's, a metallic black and bright red scheme. honestly wasn't thrilled with how this one came out. looks pretty decent sitting still, but i didn't like the look while it was moving... sounds weird, but yeah. lol. this years is gun metal gray and competition orange. i haven't run it yet, but all in all i'm VERY happy with the colors and scheme, and just hope it looks at least as good when in motion, which i think it will. okay, onto the pics, just click the thumbnail for a full size image.

last years on left, this years on right...

last years

got pretty beat up! lol

VERY beat up, note the zip tie holding the back together...

close up of the new body. colors are awesome, i think...

okay, so, i'm also a nerd in that, i like to 'complete' the body, so i'll spray the entire underside a solid color, because, to me, it finishes the body, making it look better and more professional. the red and black body is all red underneath while the new one is all orange.

comments welcome. i'll probably end up destroying a body every year and/or do a new one every year. lol. think i found a color combination i really like and to stick with...

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