Recent content by WoodiE

  1. WoodiE

    New Baja build completed.

    What do you think about the brushless HPI Baja?
  2. WoodiE

    New Kawasaki Quad paint job finished

    Love the paint job @Gazzman. Nicely done!
  3. WoodiE

    Which are the best Savage Build threads on the forum?

    Define best... There are a wide range of HPI Savage builds in the build forum ( and many have their own purpose or design. Take some time to read the various builds, sort by most views and replies to get some ideas. Be sure to post...
  4. WoodiE

    Lights for HPI Savage XS Flux

    @Spunkymunky88 you can add lights to any RC really. There are a couple listings of LED lights for the HPI Savage XS Flux here,
  5. WoodiE

    HPI Racing is bringing back the Savage!
  6. WoodiE

    HPI Racing is bringing back the Savage!

    And you probably won't. Then again it's pretty much an entirely blacked out picture and don't expect you'd see much of anything at this point. ;)
  7. WoodiE

    HPI Racing is bringing back the Savage!

    The truck in the video does look big ( but the HPI Savage was always a bigger truck. It'll be interesting to see what scale they end up calling this version of the Savage.
  8. WoodiE

    HPI Racing is bringing back the Savage!

    HPI Racing posted on their facebook page this picture... Looks like the HPI Savage is coming back boys!!! :D
  9. WoodiE

    Best brakes for the HPI Savage?

    The pads were carbon fiber and the brakes were metal. I ran the Innovative-RC dual brake setup. I'm not sure if you can find that setup anymore or not, the alternative and highly praised would be the HPI red fiberglass setup, HPI87055.
  10. WoodiE

    Best brakes for the HPI Savage?

    @BIGMat I used to run a carbon fiber brake setup on my HPI Savage and it had a ton of braking power!
  11. WoodiE

    Back in the game with a new Savage 21 build

    @BIGMat what other upgrades are you wanting to do it it? It looks like it already has every single aluminum upgrade every made for the Savage! :D ;)
  12. WoodiE

    New ramp design

    Sadly this thread looks to be long gone. Given the low thread ID (6246) I'm guessing this was an early thread and likely well before I came around. I've even done a search for all of @xtremsavage's threads as well... nothing. :(
  13. WoodiE


    @orzowei69 thanks for your update. Stay safe my friend.
  14. WoodiE

    Thanks, should be good now.
  15. WoodiE

    Quad shell

    Good luck. These bodies, in the past, have been very hard to find.