Flux to the face

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Well-Known Member
now this just hurts. we were having a great time till someone took one to the face. I must add no one was hurt in this case just alittle shook up..


and the vid


their was another camera running @ the time that got a good side shot
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Looks like we got ourselves some basher's here!

glad no one got hurt caz that is a awesome pic :jamout:
sweet pic there...
glad that no one is hurt

and if you do the math, you can see how easily a person could be hurt:

12 lb. savage x 30-40mph + hit in the face = much pain.

makes THE best pics & vid tho.
I remember this I thought this tape was being saved for Americas home vid... I'd pull it down and edit in something across the bottom so its not stolen by all the you tube jackers
"HOW" sry i don't know how to edit something across the botom
What is it with you guys just standing in the line of fire?! First that one guy almost got his head taken off and now you...yous guys crazy.:sport-smiley-026:

While I will admit Flux's are silent but deadly. When you hear the whisper of the motor it's already too late. BTW did it hit you or a kid? I thought I heard a little kid crying.
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What is it with you guys just standing in the line of fire?! First that one guy almost got his head taken off and now you...yous guys crazy.:sport-smiley-026:

While I will admit Flux's are silent but deadly. When you hear the whisper of the motor it's already too late. BTW did it hit you or a kid? I thought I heard a little kid crying.

the kid was crying because it scared him it would scare you if some one arround you got hit.
i cant stress enough "no one got hurt at all" i would not post anything someone got hurt doing.. and we all like standing in the middel of the action. who cares if some one takes one for the team once and awhile. i wish i had the vid of me getting plowed in the back of my head, that was funny as heck. it took me to the ground. do you guys want to see the vid of the side shot taken by the other recorder?
wow I'm amazed he didnt get hurt. but i have seen that before but it was a savage cartwheeling out of control and hit a 9 year old on the head. the boy got up got mad and kicked his dads savage for hitting him lol
Kid got nailed.
you wanted to see it! and plase this has gone way out of hand on some other forums. I NEED TO STRESS THE FACT THAT HE WAS NOT HURT AND HE LOVES WATCHING THE VID.
i had to get the vid off him he has it downloaded on his PS3. Now to lighten the stress her is a vid of the littel guy driving the flux just minuts after the hit. the least we could do was let him tear the flux up..

yeah i remember that from when asc posted it. the still pic is way good. good bash set up over there, big area & a lot of different kinds of r/c.

I still feel like a complete heel every time I laugh at that hit, and then hear him start crying. The "Oh $#!7" you can hear there is me. The first one is for the kid, the second one a few seconds later is me practically tearing the body off the Flux to shut it off because the controller turned off when i dropped it. It started twitching, and I thought it might take off and nail someone of the group running for the kid...
It's a amazing to me, the kid had a huge knot on his head within seconds, and as fair as he is, you'd figure his whole face would have been black and blue within a couple hours. As bad as the hit was, though, his Dad says the next morning he didn't have a mark on him aside from a tiny cut where the camera hit him.


BTW, the reason Guy was a bit circumspect about posting it is that we had some trouble on another forum when one of the staff decided to go off the deep end and his &^%-swingers went with him.
wow i dident realize you had the pic of him. you cant tell he even got hit. we keep the kids far away from the track now. so if any one is new to this hobie take note of this thread so you can prevent things like this from happening..
I don't think it's a big deal that he got hit. Maybe it's cause I'm not a parent. At any rate kids get hurt all the time, I just think it's sweet you got it on tape. Multiple angles FTW!
we'll i am a parent and no one wants to see kids getting hurt but accidents happen no matter how hard you try to avoid them and he wasnt seriously hurt so i don't see why people are getting all upset about it............. it's not as if they were using him as a target and did it purposely...........
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